Page 7 of Harboring Shantae
"It wasn't for lack of trying. You told me you didn't want to share your name and I respected that. I respected your privacy because our friendship mattered enough to me. I thought it was mutual."
She hugged her pillow just a little tighter because if she didn’t, then she wouldn't be able to stop herself from reaching for him. Years she dreamt of what it would be like if they ever met. Never in any of her fantasies did she expect it to go like this.
"We wanted different things," she finally whispered. "I wanted a family. Someone who could finally love me for who I am."
She didn't miss the sharp intake of his breath or the pain in his eyes. She caused that. It was her fault because she wanted things he didn't. She wanted him and he only wanted a friend.
"Is that why you suddenly announced an engagement?"
She shook her head so hard she was pretty sure she was going to cause whiplash. Tears burned her eyes, but she refused to let them fall. It sucked knowing how quickly he could change the subject at the mere mention of family.
"That wasn't my choice and it was the reason I reached out. My parents arranged the whole thing, but I've heard rumors about the man they want me to marry and none of them are good. I refused to be tied down to a brutal man."
"So tell them no."
A laugh burst free of her lips before she could stop it. It sounded hollow even to her own ears.
"Don't you think I tried? I flat-out refused when they told me and look what happened. An announcement was made without my consent. Not sure if you looked up who my father is, butnoisn't exactly a word he is familiar with."
Shantae knew what Panther did for a living. She knew about his co-workers and boss. Probably more than she should, considering his boss didn't trust anyone. But she would never tell a soul. Not when Camron was the only honest person in her life.
"Yes, I know exactly who your father is. Ray gave me the rundown, and I used the time on the plane to learn more."
Ah, yes, Ray, the intel specialist. She doubted it took Ray long to find her once Camron asked. She could've rented the P.O. Box under a false name to make things harder, but there was no use. A small part of her always knew one day she would hope Camron came looking for her. She just thought it would be under better circumstances.
"So, we need to find a way out of the engagement or a way to put this fiancé of yours in jail. I’ve seen what he’s capable of."
Suddenly Shantae was self-conscious and tried to hide her bruised wrist under the pillow, but it was too late.
“What the fuck is that?”
"Umm ... what's what?" It was the worst attempt to distract him in the history of distractions, but his presence was throwing her for a loop. She wasn't thinking clearly. If she had been, she would've put on a long-sleeve shirt the moment she let him in.
"I thought at first it was the lighting, but now that you're trying to cover it up, I have a feeling it's something more. So I'm only going to ask one more time. What is that on your wrist?"
She had to stop herself from looking at the offending mark. She already knew what he was talking about, so it wasn't like she had to check, but hiding it probably wouldn't do her any favors. Camron was stubborn. She knew that.
"A bruise," she finally answered quietly.
"From who?"
He was now kneeling in front of her and coaxing her hand out from where it was still hidden. He wasn't forceful like Zion, but she knew Camron would not be denied the simple request to see it.
She watched carefully as his breath caught the moment her wrist was fully exposed. With gentle hands, he examined the yellowish marks. They were in the shape of fingers, so there was no mistaking their malicious intent.
"Who gave you these marks?"
The heat in his tone was still evident, but there was something else as well. Reassurance maybe?
Shantae wasn't sure what she expected when she sent that letter. All she had known was she needed help, and there was only one person who came to mind.
They were still locked into an intense stare down when her doorbell rang once again. She instantly panicked. She never got to order the food before Camron showed up, which meant there were only two other people who could possibly be on the other side of her door. Neither of which she wanted Camron to meet just yet.
"This conversation isn't over yet," Panther whispered.
She tossed her pillow to the side and was ready to hop up, but Camron was already on the move. She needed to get there before he did and run interference. There was no way Camron meeting her parents right now would end well. They would just dig their heels in further and cause a scene.
"Camron, wait ..."