Page 13 of Deserving Maddie
"Ray's younger than me," she blurted out before she could stop it, in hopes it would help Kat realize her predicament. "Like mid-thirties younger. I mean, I can only assume since I didn't ask, or look at his driver's license."
"So what? You're forty-one, not ninety. Pretty sure a five-or-so-year difference doesn't qualify you as a cougar. Well, maybe since the first time you picked him up at a bar."
Kat only laughed when she slapped her friend's arm.
"I'm kidding." Kat continued to laugh. "But in all seriousness, who cares how old he is? If the two of you agree and are having a good time, then so what? And if it turns out to be more, then still, so what? As long as he treats you right. You deserve that after nearly twenty years with Anthony."
"Things weren't always that bad."
"You're right, they weren't. I used to envy the love the two of you shared. It was almost fairy tale-like. But at some point, he stopped appreciating you and took everything for granted. He turned you into a woman who begged for his attention, and I hated him for that. You deserved so much better and maybe you'll find it with Ray. Or maybe not. Either way, enjoy the ride while you can. You deserve it."
Leave it to her best friend to put her through the wringer of emotions. Anthony had often called her selfish when she would explain how neglected she felt. Selfish for wanting sex when there were other things they could be doing. Selfish for wanting time alone with him when they had a family. It got to the point where she stopped asking and just accepted that was the new norm for her relationship. Maybe Kat was right, and just for once, she could be selfish for a couple of hours every now and then. She had his number, but the question was, what did she plan to do with it?
Chapter 7
Twodays.Forty-eightwholehours. Well, not quite, but close enough. Forty-eight hours since Maddie stormed back into his life, making him an offer she knew damn well he couldn't refuse. Not if he wanted her in his life in any way at all. He thought when he gave her his number for a second time, she would at least text him so he had hers as well but nope. Not a single word.
It was both infuriating and exactly what he expected, all wrapped in one. He couldn't get the taste of her out of his head. He was addicted and wanted more. That alone was highly unusual for him. But it was the way she walked out the last time that really got under his skin. He had actually wanted her to stay. Considered asking her. Until he saw the way she shut down, how quickly Maddie had gone from completely satisfied to guarded. He knew it was best to step back and give her what she wanted. If not, he was convinced she would've walked away and never looked back.
"Knock, knock."
Ray glanced at the time on his computer. It was late. Most of his team was usually gone by now, so he was surprised to look up and see Apollo standing in his doorway.
"I figured everyone left already," Ray said.
They weren't a typical nine-to-five company. Yet, usually when Bravo Team wasn't on an assignment, the team members rushed out when they could to spend time with their significant others.
"Jewels is out with Ash baby shopping, so Bentley and I decided to use the gym here and the range."
"Your wife didn't want you along while she shopped for your daughter?"
"Ah no.” Apollo settled into the chair across from his desk. "Jewels made it very clear it was bonding time for the cousins, even though our daughter isn't born yet and little Mallory has no idea what is happening."
Bentley and Ash's daughter, Mallory, was only three months old. She was the cutest baby, and despite Trista's hope for a little diva, Mallory was calm, just like her mother. No one expected that for the little girl that Jewels was carrying. Bentley's sister was every bit as crazy as she claimed to be. Apollo was in for one hell of an interesting time when that baby was born.
"You know damn well the two of them are going to come back with a million things."
"Yeah, I know." Apollo didn't sound upset by the notion. "The house is already exploding with pink and purple everything. I thought Trista went overboard buying for Ash. We have twice as much because now it's Trista and Ash constantly dropping stuff at our place."
"Trista did say she didn't want kids because she planned to spoil everyone else's."
Charlie Team was popping kids out left and right, but it was the complete opposite for Bravo Team. Ember, Trista, and Kendra made it very clear they weren't interested in procreating. He couldn't say he blamed them. Having children of his own was never on his radar either. Until he realized Maddie was already a mother.
"She's certainly following through with that threat. But I'm not here to discuss babies."
Ray tensed at Apollo's tone. For some reason, he sounded ominous.
"Don't give me that look. I'm not planning to torture you for the information. Or beat it out of you."
"Well, I wasn't thinking you were, but now I'm kinda wondering if I should be slightly concerned."
Apollo was the silent type. He didn't talk much, so this entire encounter was bizarre. Ray tried not to squirm in his chair, or give away how uncomfortable he was.
"Don't ever play poker, man. Your eyes give you away too easily. It's how I knew you were off these past two days. So spill. What's bothering you?"
"Jewels must really be rubbing off on you. Since when do you gossip?"
He was trying to deflect and doing an awful job at it. How did he know he was doing such a bad job? Because Apollo's expression blatantly screamedbullshit.