Page 43 of Deserving Maddie
He thought hard about Apollo's question. Ray was the nerd behind the computer. Everything he did was from a keyboard and he had so many firewalls up that people shouldn't be able to know who he was. But there was always someone out there who was better than him.
"Not that I know of. I'm not working on anything outside of our assignments, but it's not like we don't piss people off on the regular with that. Add in the help I give Trista and Second Chances."
"So basically, you piss a lot of people off," Wes grumbled.
"No more than you do, boss."
That came out harsh but Wes didn't mind. His boss wouldn't be offended considering his life mission was to piss as many people off as he could. It was probably some sick game to Wes.
"That wasn't a complaint," Wes clarified. "You wouldn't be doing your job if you're not pissing someone off. We just need to know who."
Ray blew out a breath and fell down into the chair. "I can't think of anyone specific besides the MC. All of our other assignments are wrapped up and if there was going to be blowback, I would've expected it at the time we were handling the issue. Charlie Team doesn't have anything major. A few security assignments, but nothing that would bring anyone down on me."
"So, it has to be the MC." Giggles shrugged.
"That's my guess," Ray answered with frustration. "I would've expected them to take credit, though. I know they like to hide their bigger crimes, but I would think they'd want me to know they were sending a message. Threatening me. Slashing tires does nothing but inconvenience me. Well, if it were my car anyway."
Sure, he would've been a little pissed since he loved his car, but buying new tires didn't really bother him. He had plenty of money, so it didn't hurt him financially and he had a second mode of transportation. Anyone who took the time to look at him would've known both of those things. So whoever it was acted impulsively.
"But it wasn't your car. It was Maddie's, and if they knew that, they would know how much it pissed you off."
"Damn right, it pissed me off. It scared Maddie, I could see it when I dropped her off. So when I find the son of a bitch who did it, I'm going to slit their throat for upsetting her."
He wasn't a violent man by nature. Before he came to work for Wes, he would never have considered harming someone. He knew nothing about weapons or self-defense. Then he saw what really happened out in the world and he quickly changed his tune. He was slowly becoming just as deadly as the rest of the men sitting around the table.
"You need to consider that the person knew it wasn't your vehicle and targeted Maddie because she meant something to you."
He tried to speak up, but Hollywood cut him off and finished what he was saying.
"I realize the two of you haven't been seeing each other long or that much, but if they were staking out your house, they could've assumed when Maddie showed up and decided to take the chance."
Son of a bitch.
"Maddie needs protection."
He was the reason her life might be in danger. She would never forgive him if something happened to either of her children. They meant everything to her, and he would do whatever was necessary to make sure they were safe.
"Charlie Team will take primary on that. Someone will be stationed outside her house at all times until we know if the threat is something more. Her law office has decent security and we can notify the school to be cautious. It's the same one Kallie and Ellaattend, so Kyle already routinely checks in with the principal and security staff. I will make sure he adds Maddie's children under that umbrella."
Kallie and Ella were adopted by Kyle and Missy after their mother died in childbirth. Their father was a human trafficker and an all-around piece of shit. Even though Charlie Team eliminated the threat the girls faced, there was always the chance someone would come looking for them because of their bloodline. Ray helped bury their identities the best he could but Kyle refused to take any chances.
"I appreciate it. I'll let Maddie know so she doesn't get paranoid."
"It might help if you introduce her to both teams," Blue suggested.
"Are you saying that from an operator perspective or because you want to meet her?"
Blue chuckled, but didn't deny the claim. Ray was slowly learning that the men and women he worked with were a bunch of nosy fuckers.
"It's definitely a bit of both." Wes shook his head. "I hired operatives and what I got were a bunch of biddies who sit around and gossip all day long."
"Well, that's rude," Hollywood grumbled.
"No, it's the truth. Now tell me what we learned about the MC."
The team spent the next hour going over the lack of information they still needed on Wraith. The DEA was proving to be their usual amount of difficulty. Ray tried to hack into their database but the file on Wraith was even more encrypted than usual, which usually meant they had a decent case and were keeping it close to the vest. It didn't explain how the MC found out who he was.
Arlo was called in at one point and agreed to speak with a contact he had in one of the other charters in the area.