Page 54 of Deserving Maddie
"That's got to be tough, man." Arlo shook his head. "It's hard knowing what you want but having to step back and wait for her to be ready."
"I don't think it's just her kids. She told me some things about her marriage, and I have to tell ya, if the guy was still alive, I would kill him in a heartbeat and not lose an ounce of sleep over it."
"Has Leah ever told you about her life before she moved to Texas?"
Like Ash and Bentley, Leah and Arlo were before his time. While he missed out on seeing firsthand the problems that brought the women into his teammates' lives, he'd heard some of their stories. Leah's story wasn't one of them, as she tended to be the quiet one of the group.
"No, she didn't."
"Well, for starters, she grew up in a religious cult and had an arranged marriage. The kind where the man had several wives. Leah ran away because he was beating her for not getting pregnant. But it wasn't just the physical abuse. The mental and psychological abuse was just as bad. Especially after she found out he was a serial killer. It took years for her to get over some things."
Damn. Ray never would've known any of that based on talking to Leah. He knew she was quiet, but he never thought it was because of what she experienced.
"How did you help her?"
"Same as what you're doing. By just being there for her and moving on her timeline. When I first found out Leah was pregnant, I thought for sure everything she went through would disappear. That wasn't the case. There were some nights she woke up screaming or her insecurities and anxiety would get the best of her. I had to remind myself it wasn't anything I did and some days it just snuck back up on her. It was at those times I reassured her even more that not only did I love her, but our family meant everything to me and I wasn't going anywhere."
"Thanks, man. I appreciate you telling me. I've been wondering if I was going about it wrong, but that helped."
"Sometimes it can be a minefield. If you find yourself unsure or overwhelmed at the moment, step back and call me. I'd be happy to talk through it with you."
He thanked Arlo again and headed back to his own office. The Charlie Team leader's advice was solid. Everything was new to him. He didn't know the first thing about a healthy relationship, and he knew even less about dealing with trauma. But he was willing to learn because Maddie was worth it.
Chapter 24
Lifewasfinallylookingup. Maddie had her car back, thanks to four spanking new tires. She only threw a mini-fit when Ray informed her he had once again paid for them. And the only reason she would classify it as mini was because he made a valid point. The tires were slashed while it was in his driveway. There was the off chance that they assumed it was his vehicle, and due to his line of work, he was the target. All of that being said, it meant she wouldn't be threatening to strangle him in his sleep the next time she had the chance to spend the night at his house. Whenever that might be.
Ray: Has Kat said when she plans to come back again?
That was another thing that had been happening a lot lately. She and Ray texted almost every day and spoke most nights. Kat was starting to complain it was cutting into her girl time but she secretly knew her friend was happy for her. And it wasn't like much changed. She still talked to Kat while she got ready for bed. She just hung up with her best friend to speak with Ray while she was actually in bed.
So she could play with herself while he talked her through it.
Maddie: Nope, but she never plans far in advance. Kat's the type to fly out on a whim.
Ray: Hmmm. Maybe we need to give her a reason for that whim.
She busted out laughing so hard that both of her kids turned and gave her a strange look. When she asked them what they wanted to do for the weekend, both agreed quickly that a relaxing day was in order, so that's what they were doing. Charley was on one of the lounge chairs next to her reading a book. Gabe was in and out of the pool, splashing his sister when he knew he could get away with it.
It was such a normal day that she almost felt weird. Their family hadn't had normal since moving to Texas.
"Who are you talking to that you're laughing so loud?" Gabe asked.
She didn't hesitate in her lie. "Your aunt Kat. She's being dramatic again."
"She's always dramatic," Gabe grumbled, but proceeded to go back to what he was doing.
Fortunately, the universe took pity on her and didn't make her a liar when her best friend's name popped up with a text.
Kat: Being home isn't the same without you. Remind me why I returned to North Carolina again?
She shook her head. If she were to scroll back through her text exchanges with her best friend, she would find the same conversation every day. If anyone ever cared to look, they would think the two of them had a very unhealthy codependent relationship.
Maddie: Because you insisted you had work to get back to. I told you to pack up and move here, but you won't listen to me.
Kat: That's not true at all. You told me to stop babysitting you.