Page 63 of Deserving Maddie
It would've helped him if his parents had just been honest with him. He tried once to talk to both his parents about the dysfunction of their relationship, but they shot him down. Maddie would never do that to Gabe. She would listen to what he had to say.
He spent a little more time talking to Gabe, and by the time he left the teenager's room, he felt he had a better understanding of the kid. His future with Maddie actually looked promising, and for the first time, he felt like he could really be the role model Gabe and Charley needed.
Chapter 28
Sheneverworkedlate.It was her one hard rule, and her boss knew that, but today she had no choice. Fortunately, when she called Ray, he offered to pick up the kids from school. She was nervous about how they would react, but he assured her that, after his discussion with Gabe, things were fine.
Walking in the front door, Maddie didn't know what to expect, but it wasn't what she found. Sitting at the dining room table was her normally grumpy teenage son and Ray.
"That doesn't make sense," Gabe complained.
"Let's try it again. You can do this."
They had no idea she was there, so she took the time to watch as Ray patiently helped her son with his homework. She wanted to cry. Never had Anthony ever sat down with Gabe and helped him the way Ray was now.
She remembered her conversation with Ray about children. He said he didn't think he would enjoy the baby stage, but he sure had the teenage stage down pat. He was a natural. All she could think about was how patient Ray was and how well Gabe was responding to him.
She let them work for a few more minutes before she finally made her presence known.
"Hey, guys." She smiled when they both turned around, surprised, and looked at her. "Where's your sister?"
"Oh hey, Mom. I didn't hear you come in. She's upstairs in her room reading one of the new books you got her."
Maddie smiled. She would have to remember to order the new release coming out in the series next month. It was a habit Maddie would gladly fund.
"Hey, baby. How was work?"
It was strange how natural it felt after only one day to come home and find Ray in her domain.
"Exhausting." She shrugged out of her jacket. "I had this new case land on my desk and it's been giving me nothing but trouble."
"Anything I can help with?" Ray asked.
"No, just a lot of legwork to take care of." She smiled at the question, though. Anthony never bothered with her work, let alone asked if he could help in any way. It was such a breath of fresh air.
"Gabe, why don't you go and get your sister so we can eat dinner?" Ray suggested.
She could've sworn her son grumbled something about Ray just wanting to kiss her, but since he didn't say it loud enough for her to be sure, she let it slide. In reality, a kiss from Ray sounded really good right about now.
Sure enough, as soon as her son walked out of the room, Ray stood from his seat at the table and moved over to where she stood frozen. With his one arm wrapped around her back and the other cupping the back of her neck, he pulled her in for a searing kiss.
This was nothing like the quick brush of his lips she got that morning before he tried to slip out of her bed. This was all-consuming and soul-snatching. It was everything she ever wanted in just one kiss.
"Mmm, that's the kind of kiss I wanted to give you this morning."
"So why didn't you?" she teased.
"Because I never would have left."
A giggle worked its way up her throat and fell past her lips. "A lot of good you sneaking out did."
Ray groaned. "Don't remind me. I've never had an erection shrivel up so quickly."
She couldn't contain the laughter, even if she wanted to. Looking back on it now, she could find the situation funny.
"Now, enough about me, let's talk about your day. You look stressed. I hope you don't mind I made homemade pizza for dinner. I figured you wouldn't want to make something once you finally got home."
"You made dinner?" Tears pricked her eyes.