Page 75 of Deserving Maddie
That was good news. It means Adams made an empty threat. There would be no one coming to take Maddie from him again. It gave him some breathing room. He could handle one former senator.
"Let's move," Falcon ordered.
They fanned out around the warehouse. As promised, he stayed on Apollo's six. They were tasked with a side entrance.
As far as takedowns went, this one was uneventful. Falcon counted down, and they all busted through their assigned doors. Apollo screamed for Adams to get on the ground. Ray took immense satisfaction in punching the guy in the face when he didn't move fast enough, but other than that one blow, the former senator didn't fight back.
Ray raced over to where Maddie was tied to the chair. A clear palm print was etched onto her cheek and it made him wish he had hit Adams just a bit harder.
"I got you, baby."
Blue helped him cut the ropes while the rest of the team cleared the empty warehouse. He could vaguely hear in the background Shantae's father complaining about lying on a dirt floor and not being shown the respect he deserves. Ray wanted to scream at the guy that he was lucky to be alive. If it were up to Zack, the man would've had a bullet in his head the moment the sniper had him locked in his sights, but Wes called him off. Zack was simply over watch for them.
"Where are Gabe and Charley?" Maddie asked.
"At the barn with Missy, Shantae, and Nancy. I'm sure by now a few of the other women have shown up, and Kat should be landing shortly."
Which reminded him that he needed to ask one of the Charlie Team guys to go pick her up. He felt sorry for whoever it would be because there was no way Kat wasn't going to hound the person the entire ride back. Maybe he would send Kade. That guy would tell her to shut up or have her laughing within minutes. It was always a toss-up.
"They had to be scared when I didn't show up at the school to get them."
"I sent Kyle to get them early and explained everything once they got there. Charley did look scared, but Shantae kept her occupied playing with the kids, and Gabe asked to stay with the team until we left. I believe he's still sitting with Arlo and Hollywood."
"Yup, he's here," Arlo's voice rang in his ear. "He told me to tell you thank you for getting his mom."
Shit, he forgot his comms were open. He never had to worry about turning the mic off when he was in the office.
Ray pulled Maddie into his arms once the last ropes were cut. "Gabe knows you're alright," he whispered into her neck.
That's when it finally happened. The dam he knew would eventually break, did. Quick thinking had him muting his mic, as every emotion Maddie felt in probably the last few years poured out of her.
Ray fell to the floor and held her in his lap as she cried. He imagined the tears were for the horrible relationship she overcame. The one she wasn't allowed to show emotion for because she had to be strong for her children. Tears for a move that was hard but necessary to start her life over. More tears for the months of thinking she was doing everything wrong because her son wasn't happy. And finally, tears because at some point, she likely thought she might not see her children again when she was held captive.
Ray continued to hold her throughout it all. None of his team members rushed them. A few formed a circle far enough away to give them privacy, but close enough to keep them safe. The danger was gone, but his team would never leave him open and unprotected. They were his family as much as he was theirs. They protected their own, and when one was vulnerable, another picked up the slack. He would forever respect the family he found.
He didn't know how long they sat there, but his shirt was soaked. There couldn't be any tears left by the time Maddie finally picked up her head.
"I'm sorry. Once I started, I just couldn't stop."
"Never apologize. You've been strong for too long. It was time you let someone else shoulder the responsibility for a bit. I'm glad it was me you trusted that with."
"I love you."
He would never get tired of hearing that. There was a moment when Shantae's father called that he considered he would never get to hear it again because he was willing to sacrifice his life for hers. It was even more precious hearing it now.
"I love you too, baby. Let's get you back to the barn so the kids can see you."
Ray knew when he got back to the barn, he was going to need his own minute. Just to thank the universe that he didn't lose the one person he hadn't known he needed more than air.
Chapter 35
"Doyouneedmeto make you anything?" Kat asked.
Maddie was glad to finally be home. While she appreciated every person who wanted to see her after her abduction, she needed just a few seconds to breathe.
Ray had yet to leave her side, which was nice, as he was the only one she wanted around. Besides her children, of course. Both of whom were hovering just a few feet away.
"No, I'm okay," Maddie returned. "I just want to relax."