Page 10 of Guys Like Him
“If something seems too good to be true, it’s usually because it is.”
Kieran’s somber gaze tugged at Finley’s heartstrings. He could understand why Kieran felt that way, but it was not his responsibility to change the man’s outlook. Cash had tasked him with teaching Kieran a skill. Finley would repeat the mantra as often as needed to avoid falling into familiar traps. “Where do you want to start? Jeans, shirts, or boots?”
Kieran held his gaze a heartbeat longer before turning his attention to the shelves in front of him. He grabbed a pair of jeans and stepped into them, pulling the denim up his long legs. The fabric clung to his thick thighs and muscular ass, and Finley forced his gaze away from the alluring sight to fill in Kieran’s name on the inventory form.
“These jeans will do,” Kieran announced.
Finley glanced over just as Kieran bent forward to choose a long-sleeved tee off the shelf. Denim clung to the most perfect, bitable ass he’d ever seen. Do? Those jeans did a lot. His gaze strayed over with each new item Kieran put on. The man looked better in a flannel shirt and jeans than anyone had a right to, and Finley was both amused and annoyed. He completed his ensemble with thick socks, pull-on boots, and a Redemption Ridge ball cap.
“Would you like a jacket?” Finley asked. “Late March in Colorado means we might see all four seasons on the same day.”
“My body temp runs hot, so I’ll be fine once I get moving.”
Finley just bet it did. He would not think about his hot, naked flesh. Nope. Too late. Finley finished filling out the form and returned the clipboard to its nail.
“I’ll keep you plenty warm,” Finley said. He wished the ground would open and swallow him whole when Kieran arched a brow. “With all the physical activity we’re going to do.” The brow crept higher. “Work!All the work we’re going to do.”
Kieran’s mouth quirked a little on the right side. Not a smirk and definitely not a smile, but it was a spark of personality. “Ah. Good to know. I’ll just pick out the rest of my work clothes later.”
“No problem. Would you like to check out your cabin?” Finley asked. “To stow your clothes and stuff.”
Kieran removed a wallet from his cargo shorts and stuffed it into the back pocket of his jeans. “I just need a trash can.”
Finley gestured to the bathroom slash dressing room in the corner. Kieran nodded and disappeared into the room, returning a few seconds later with nothing in his hands.
“Put me to work, boss,” Kieran said, though there wasn’t an ounce of enthusiasm in his voice.
Finley led the way out of the store and pondered if he should call his mom later to find out more about the nice guy she mentioned. Detox wasn’t working as evidenced by the mockery he’d made of himself. Maybe it was time to try a different approach to love and romance. Then he felt Kieran’s gaze on his ass and forgot all about his intentions.
Finley strode toward the horse barn like his ass was on fire. Then again, based on the heat Kieran had seen in the blond man’s eyes, his delectable backside might’ve been smoldering. If Kieran hadn’t kept his back turned in the general store, his new boss would’ve seen the semierection pressing against his underwear. It had been a dumb move to strip down in front of Finley, but Kieran couldn’t resist pushing him. He’d seen sympathy shimmering in the younger guy’s pale green eyes and wanted to discourage his interest with crude behavior. It was a tactic that had served him well in jail, and Kieran didn’t want to make friends and form bonds on the ranch either.
But his rash decision backfired when his boss’s empathy had turned to hunger. Finley’s fiery gaze felt like a caress, and Kieran’s body reacted. He’d wanted Finley on his knees with those pillowy lips wrapped around his cock. Kieran had stymied his natural urges and resisted any form of physical pleasure for nearly two years. Everything a person did or said in lockup was weaponized against them, especially sexual gratification. Kieran had refused to let anyone see him at his most vulnerable and use it as leverage against him. He figured if monks and priests could abstain for their lifetimes, he could hold out during his sentence. Ignoring the physical and mental ache had been difficult, but he’d learned ironclad control over his mind and body. He wouldn’t have been successful if he’d served time with Finley Ashe.
The awareness was enough to light a fire under his ass and cool his ardor. Kieran would’ve outpaced Finley to the barn if not for the fit and feel of his new boots and his work clothes. Though the items were all excellent quality, they were much heavier and tighter than what he was used to wearing. Lagging behind gave Kieran an excellent view of Finley’s ass and long, toned legs. His upper body was lean, but his dark shirt hugged him snuggly, showcasing tight muscles. Ranch work had been good to Finley’s physique, and Kieran wasn’t the only one who noticed. Several heads swiveled in the blond’s direction as he walked by, but Finley seemed unaware of the attention. It stirred uncharacteristic feelings, making him want to mark and claim a man he didn’t even know. Where the hell had the urge even come from? Kieran forced his focus, visually and mentally, away from his boss’s physical assets and increased his pace. If they were going to work together, he wanted to get past this weird tension between them.
“You never asked why I was in jail,” he said. Reminding Finley that he was a felon should throw some ice water on his attraction. “Aren’t you curious?”
“Not really,” Finley replied. “I trust Cash’s instincts.”
“Are you two fucking?”Holy shit, Sullivan. What the actual fuck?Now that the question was out there, he was dying for an answer. If they were a couple, Kieran felt sorry for Cash because Finley had looked ravenous when they’d locked eyes in the store. Finley stopped suddenly and whirled around to face Kieran. His green eyes blazed hot enough to scorch the entire ranch.That’s right, sexy. Get mad. You don’t want a guy like me.
“Don’t do that,” Finley bit out.
“Do what?” Feigning innocence had never been Kieran’s strong suit.
“Do not disrespect Cash or me.” Finley inhaled a deep breath, then released it slowly. His anger seemed to dissipate with his exhale, and his gaze softened.No, no, no.Kieran started to panic. He wanted this guy mad enough to keep his distance. “Look,” Finley said. “I get it. You’re going through a stressful time right now, and it’s hard to let your guard down and trust people. I know you don’t believe it now, but you will realize you’re safe here, and more importantly, you’re wanted and valued.”
Kieran searched Finley’s gaze, looking for any signs of manipulation, but he only saw sincerity. Instead of calming him as Finley had intended, it made him madder.
Kieran caught movement in the corner of his eyes and adjusted his angle to assess the person approaching him. The guy was four to five inches taller than Kieran and carried an extra hundred pounds or more on his frame. The auburn hair peeking from beneath his cap was several shades lighter than his full beard. Kieran recognized the aggressive look in the man’s amber eyes. He’d seen it in the yard more times than he wanted to remember, though he’d avoided any major incidents by keeping a cool head. Something about Finley short-circuited his wiring, and Kieran turned to face the threat fully, pulling his shoulders back and pushing his chest out. He might not be built like a ginger version of The Rock, as his opponent was, but Kieran was fast and built for endurance.
“Just great,” Finley grumbled. “Another banty rooster in the barnyard.”
Ginger Rock reached them in a few strides. “Is there a problem, Finley?” he asked without taking his eyes off Kieran. The man’s soft voice was jarring. Kieran had expected something deep and rumbling, but he had to strain to hear him.
“Not at all, Ivan,” Finley said, moving into Kieran’s periphery. “Everything is fine.”
The big man’s expression didn’t falter, and his gaze remained locked on Kieran. “Why don’t I believe you, Fin?”