Page 36 of Guys Like Him
“I think you’re going to need a different approach,” he told Kieran after a few more attempts.
Kieran’s lips hooked into a smirk, something that came more easily since he’d arrived. Finley still hadn’t seen a genuine smile, but then again, his heart might not survive it. “How handsy do you need to get?”
Finley laughed and shook his head. A flirty rejoinder was on the tip of his tongue, but he let it dissolve there instead of letting it fly. “I didn’t say handsy.”
Not ready to let it go, Kieran followed with, “Where do you plan to put your hands, then?”
“How about you dismount and come over here so I can show you on my body?”
Kieran’s cheeks flushed, and his lips parted. “You want me to come over and watch you touch yourself?” He looked around the barn and met Finley’s gaze. “Here?”
Heat engulfed his body, and Dolly pranced as if she felt the tension rising in the arena. “You’re deliberately twisting my words into something dirty.” God, he loved it and was dying to give it right back—physically and verbally—but he remembered the shame he’d felt after their alleyway kiss. “The alternative is for me to come over there and show you how to use your body to get what you want.” Kieran’s eyebrow shot up because, yeah, that didn’t sound suggestive or anything. “I mean, how to guide the horse.”
Finley just blinked. Was that a ghost of a smile that flashed on Kieran’s lips? Did his obsidian eyes darken? Probably just wishful thinking. “To which option?” he asked.
Kieran raised his hand and crooked his finger. Finley nearly got his foot caught in the stirrup in his haste to dismount. He hadn’t pitched to the ground face-first since he was a kid, and he didn’t want to ruin his streak in front of Kieran. He took a calming breath and told Dolly to stay, then crossed to Loretta. She neighed and rubbed her muzzle against him when he greeted her. He took the time to shower her with affection before shifting his gaze to the man sitting astride her.
“Are you sure you’re okay with this?” Finley asked before moving closer.
Finley patted Loretta’s sleek neck one last time before stepping closer to Kieran. His thighs tensed when Finley placed a hand on his knee, and Loretta pranced in place. “I need you to relax and…um…spread your legs a little.” Kieran nearly choked on his next breath, but he did as Finley asked.
“Perfect. This,” Finley said, moving his hand to the inside of Kieran’s knee, “presses here.” He used his other hand to indicate where on Loretta he should push and when to use those cues before lowering his arms and giving the horse and rider some space.
Kieran repeated back to him and demonstrated. “Like this?”
“Perfect,” Finley said, noticing he sounded a little breathy. “Try the other leg.” Once Kieran mastered those, he moved closer again. “I need to place my hand up higher now.” Kieran swallowed hard but nodded. His thigh bunched under Finley’s hand, and what he wouldn’t give for the privilege to slide it up even higher. Finley explained how Kieran should use his inner thighs and what those cues told Loretta.
“Okay,” Kieran said. “I think I understand better.” They ran through a sequence of moves, but Kieran’s tension and posture countered the correct cues he gave the horse. He turned frustrated eyes to Finley. “What am I doing wrong?”
“You’re doing great,” Finley replied. “You’re making the same mistakes all rookies make.”
Kieran sighed. “Bring those hands over here and show me.”
Finley couldn’t resist waggling his brows and earning a snort from Kieran. He tried to keep his touch indifferent and professional as he helped Kieran adjust his posture in the saddle. He quickly discovered Kieran was trying to give cues with one side of his body but tightening his resting side to maintain balance in the saddle. After some slight adjustments through practice, Kieran and Loretta were in sync.
“Relaxing in the saddle and trusting your horse is easier said than done,” Finley told him. “You’re doing great.”
Kieran grew more confident with each lesson, and before long, he didn’t need to fake interest in the skill. He wasn’t quite ready for dance routines to music, but there was no doubt in Finley’s mind that he could pull that off with enough practice and commitment. He’d nearly said as much the following Saturday when they were testing the night-vision capabilities on Finley’s equipment. Kieran had asked if the others would think it was weird the two of them were sneaking off toward the trees together, but Finley reminded him it was poker night.
“I can’t believe that night was your first time playing poker.”
Finley laughed. “I make enough bad decisions without adding gambling to the mix. Trust me when I say I deserve the razzing the guys give me about my love life.”
Kieran stopped suddenly when they reached the edge of the woods. The shade from the trees blocked the moonlight and shielded his expression. Kieran placed a gentle hand on Finley’s bicep. “Did someone hurt you?”
Finley’s eyes adjusted to the dark, and he couldn’t look away from Kieran’s glittering gaze, not even to drop his head in shame. “Not physically, but let’s just say you and I both know there are other ways to cut a man.”
Kieran’s fingers tightened around his arm but not too hard, more like he didn’t want to let him go. “I hate that for you.”
“I hate it for you too.” Finley’s voice sounded huskier than he’d intended.
“Finley,” Kieran said, his voice a rough rumble that teased every nerve ending awake. “I don’t want to be just another guy who hurts you or brings sadness into your life. Maybe we—”
Finley moved closer, planning to cut him off before he could sever their burgeoning bond, though he hadn’t chosen a method of distraction. A pitiful meow came from the darkness surrounding them, beating Finley to the punch. He turned his flashlight on and shone it around.Meow. The wail was closer, but Finley hadn’t located the cat. He stepped deeper into the shadows looking for gleaming eyes.