Page 42 of Guys Like Him
“Whatever it takes,” Finley replied. “I say we follow Brick House if he drives off in a second vehicle.” Before Kieran could respond, Finley’s eyes widened. “Shit! We’ve been made.”
Kieran looked out his window and saw nothing, but then he noticed an orb of light bouncing in the truck’s side mirror. “Must be a security guard.” The bouncing increased and drew closer. “They probably already have your license number, so speeding away won’t do us any good.”
Finley stashed his camera in the green military bag with PFC Finnigan Donovan stamped on the fabric, then he hoisted it onto his lap. Since the truck was a single cab, there was no place to stash the bag. The guard would want to know what was in it and would call the cops if they didn’t comply. Finley glanced in the side mirror again and said, “We don’t have much time. Scoot over to the middle of the bench seat.”
“What? Why?”
“Just do it,” he said calmly. “We need to distract this person from wanting to learn more about what we’re up to in here.”
Kieran scooted over, still not sure what was going on until Finley set the duffel in his vacated footwell and straddled Kieran’s thighs. “This again?” he teased. “You better really sell it.”
Finley cupped the back of his neck and pressed a hard kiss against his mouth. Kieran gasped and dropped his hands to Finley’s hips. He hauled him closer and parted his lips, inviting Finley to deepen the kiss, and the blond fireball in his arms didn’t disappoint. Finley slid one hand into Kieran’s hair, pulled his head back, and slid his tongue into Kieran’s mouth.
They groaned together, and Finley thrust his hips forward, grinding his pelvis against Kieran’s. Was this part of the decoy, or was Finley finally giving in to the sexual tension that had been building between them since they’d met? Both of them were hard as steel, and Kieran was losing his ability to think objectively. He slid his hands lower to cup Finley’s ass, wishing they were naked so he could part those round globes and finger the pucker nestled between them. Finley grunted and frotted faster, applying the perfect amount of pressure that would have Kieran coming in his pants. He growled and moved his right hand to trace the seam in the center of Finley’s jeans.
Finley lifted his head to cry out, and Kieran went to work on his neck, licking and biting a trail back to his hungry mouth. Finley sucked his tongue and fireworks exploded behind Kieran’s eyelids.
He realized the moment the flashlight was aimed at them, but he didn’t let up. Finley thrust harder and Kieran held him tighter. They kept at it until the guard tapped their flashlight against the window. Finley and Kieran faked their surprise and pulled apart like two teenagers caught by their parents. The guard looked to be in his late fifties, and a disgusted sneer pulled at his lips as he stared at them.
“You can’t be doing that shit here,” he yelled through the glass, not bothering to ask them to roll down their window. “Get out of here before I call the cops and have you arrested for lewd behavior.”
Finley quickly situated himself behind the wheel, shifted the truck into drive, and sped away. Once they drove around the building and reached the exit, he snapped on his seat belt. He looked at Kieran, who still sat in the middle. “Buckle up.”
Instead of moving back to his original seat, Kieran stayed there and used the lap belt.
“That was close,” Finley said breathlessly when he turned onto the street and drove away. “Should I apologize?”
Kieran turned his head and smiled at Finley. “Because the guard caught us or because we didn’t get to finish what we started?”
Finley’s breaths came fast. He glanced over and smiled but didn’t answer. At least not with words, but he turned the truck into the parking lot of Dexter’s Roadside Motel not two minutes later. Most of the lights were out in the sign, but it was lit up enough for Kieran to see rooms went for sixty-nine dollars per night. Doubtful the price was a coincidence. Finley put the truck in park and closed his eyes.
“Well then,” Kieran said huskily.
Finley’s eyes snapped open and met his gaze. “What?” Kieran waggled his brows, and Finley looked around them. “Oh no. I wasn’t…I didn’t mean…”
Kieran tsked and shook his head. “That’s too bad. I’d give every dollar I have for one night of kissing you.” Finley sucked in a sharp breath. Kieran saw his pupils dilate even in the dimly lit parking lot. “This wouldn’t be my first choice of a place to lay you down, but when in Rome or at”—Kieran reread the blinking neon sign—“Dexter’s Roadside Motel.”
Finley fumbled his seat belt free and pushed his door open. “Kissing sounds great, but I’m not leaving this dive until you bury your monster cock in my ass.” He exited the truck, slammed the door, and jogged toward the motel office before Kieran could respond.
Alone with his thoughts, Kieran had enough time to think things through and talk himself out of going into a motel room with Finley. That isn’t where his mind went, though. He was too busy thinking how this and everything to do with Finley felt right. And for the first time in his life, Kieran had to acknowledge that the emotional connection between him and Finley fueled the physical attraction, not the other way around like he’d experienced with past lovers. Of course he’d noted Finley’s gorgeous attributes. Hell, he could barely tear his eyes off the man’s ass until he stepped inside the building and he had no other choice.
Finley’s looks weren’t the reason he’d stopped thinking about life after the ranch. They weren’t the reason he pulled Finley into one silly conversation after another. Kieran loved listening to him talk and discovering the quirky way his mind worked. He loved how Finley never pushed to know more about him, even though curiosity shimmered in his green gaze. The acceptance made Kieran want to divulge…everything, something that had never happened until he’d met Finley. And if he were honest with himself, Kieran had to admit to being more than halfway in love with his boss. If he conceded that, he’d have to acknowledge what he’d give up when he walked away from the ranch.
Reasons for why this was a bad idea flooded his brain, threatening to drown him, until Finley pushed open the office door and strode purposefully to the truck. Kieran shut down any part of his brain that wasn’t committed to making Finley Ashe come harder than he ever had before. He unbuckled his seat belt and exited the truck, meeting Finley at the hood.
The gorgeous blond lifted his hand to show a plastic keychain dangling from his forefinger. Kieran cupped the back of his neck and pulled him forward for a hot, hungry kiss, not easing up until Finley whimpered so prettily in the back of his throat.
Kieran rested his forehead against Finley’s and closed his eyes. “That sounded even sexier in person than in my fantasies.” Finley’s breath hitched, and Kieran reopened his eyes. “It’s true. I’ve tried to stop wanting you and even thought I could rub you out of my system, but…” He took a fortifying breath, still in disbelief that he was spilling all his secrets. “I only want you more.”
Finley wrapped both arms around Kieran’s neck and smiled up at him. “That makes me feel so much better. I was feeling guilty about all the times I rode my dildo while wishing it was you.” He stepped closer until they touched from head to foot. “Remember those times you asked if I was sore?”
Hell yes, he recalled the hitch in Finley’s step and the soft grunts that escaped now and then. Kieran opened his mouth to speak, but no words tumbled forth, so he nodded.
“I wore my ass out thinking about you, coming so hard I nearly blacked out.”
Finding his voice, Kieran said, “You’re the only person to make me come for almost two years.”
Finley gasped, stepped back, and grabbed his hand. “Let’s go. I don’t want to wait another minute.”