Page 57 of Guys Like Him
“Harry, could we get a rain check on our conversation?” Kieran asked. “I really need to talk to your brother.”
“It won’t take long,” she replied hastily. Harry placed a hand over her heart as her bottom lip quivered. “I’m truly sorry for my role in Finley’s intervention yesterday. I was just so worried about him.” She smiled over at her brother before meeting Kieran’s gaze again. “I guess some habits are difficult to let go, but I’ll try harder to stay in my lane.”
“No harm done,” Kieran assured her.
Finley removed the flash drive and dropped it into his pocket before pulling Harry into a hug. “That Michael guy didn’t stand a chance. He didn’t even like dessert.”
Harry released him and shuddered hard. Her gaze darted between Finley and Kieran, and she smiled sweetly. “Looks like we don’t need to worry about Mom trying to set you up again.”
Finley chewed on his bottom lip, and Kieran swore he could hear his heart pounding from across the room. He shot a wink in his sister’s direction and rounded the island. Finley hit his usual stride and pulled ahead of him, but Kieran reached out and grabbed his hand. He didn’t let go until they reached the porch, and that was just so he could hoist Finley off the ground and toss him over his shoulder.
Finley squeaked and slapped at Kieran’s ass. “What are you doing?”
“You’re not getting rid of me that easily,” Kieran growled. “So get it out of your gorgeous head.”
“Cash is right. You’re probably going to receive a nice settlement. You’ll get a fresh start and a clean slate anywhere you want to go.”
“I’m not like the others, Fin.”
Finley relaxed in his hold, making it easier to carry him. They passed the rest of the crew, who were heading to the house for breakfast. The guys tipped their hats and greeted them with cheerful “good mornings” like Kieran carrying Finley off to his cabin was an everyday occurrence.
“That will give them something juicy to talk about,” Kieran said proudly. “And I better not hear about them placing a single bet on us.”
Once alone in the cabin, Kieran tossed Finley onto the bed and pulled off his boots. He bent over Finley’s body and pressed a kiss to his lips. “Ask me to stay again now that you know I’m awake.”
Finley blushed, but joy danced in his eyes. “It was a statement, not a question.”
“Fine,” Kieran said. “I want to hear it again.”
Finley cupped his face and pulled him closer so Kieran’s lips hovered above his. “Stay,” he whispered.
Finley had put his whole heart into that one word and waited with breathless anticipation for Kieran’s response. It came in a slow stretch of a smile, the rustling sound of Kieran toeing off his socks, and the dip of the mattress beneath his knee. The answer was a long stretch of hard muscle on top of him and a thumb tenderly brushing over Finley’s cheekbone. Parting his thighs to make room for Kieran felt as natural as breathing, and he wanted to make space for him in all aspects of his life.
Kieran pressed a sweet kiss to Finley’s forehead, the tip of his nose, and his eyelids. “Say it again,” Kieran said shakily.
The significance of the moment wasn’t lost on Finley nor was it overshadowed by the events of the past few days. No one had ever wanted Kieran to stay before, and that single word could be his salvation or his undoing. Finley recommitted to the promise he’d made in the diner. He wouldn’t falter or fumble; he’d double down. No one would want him the way Finley did. It was probably too soon for such a strong declaration, so he decided on a safer approach.
Sliding his fingers into Kieran’s silky hair, Finley pressed a kiss to his lips. “Stay with me. We can take things as slow as you need.”
A wicked smile spread across Kieran’s face as he trailed his free hand down Finley’s side. “I can take it real slow.” Finley’s breath hitched at the carnal promises shimmering in Kieran’s dark gaze, but his lustful thoughts dissipated when Kieran’s fingers danced over a sensitive spot under his ribs. And since Kieran was watching him so closely, he didn’t miss the reaction. His southbound hand reversed course and sought the ticklish spot once more. Kieran swirled his thumb over the area and grinned like a devil when Finley squirmed and released a sound that was part giggle and part groan. “Interesting,” Kieran announced seconds before he tugged Finley’s shirt free from his waistband and shoved the material up under his armpits.
Finley’s muscles tensed and bunched when warm fingers brushed against his bare skin. “Is this really the best use of our time?” There was no denying his arousal since his erection was on full display beneath his tight denim.
Kieran scooted down the length of Finley’s body until his lips hovered over the ticklish spot his fingers had uncovered. Kieran gazed upon Finley’s bare skin like it held the secrets of the universe. He’d felt no one’s attention so keenly and couldn’t resist squirming, which created friction everywhere their bodies touched. Finley thought Kieran was impervious to his plight until their gazes collided and he saw the impish delight dancing in his tormentor’s eyes. Kieran licked his bottom lip before lowering his head and nuzzling his nose against Finley’s sensitive skin. He choked back a second giggle, but his muscles tensed and goose bumps broke out all over his body.
Kieran’s chuckle was a decadent, dark-chocolate brownie with extra hot fudge sauce. “I can’t think of a better use of our time.” He kissed the ticklish spot, then circled it with his wicked tongue. Finley bit his lip and squirmed, and Kieran used more of his weight to hold him down. Gazes locked once more, Kieran said, “I want to learn everything about you.” He pressed one last kiss to Finley’s ribcage before scooting higher to drop a peck near his sternum. Kieran had to feel Finley’s heart hammering against his ribcage. “I want to learn every dream you’ve stashed here.” He moved up again and nuzzled his lips against Finley’s temple. “And the secrets you’ve locked in here.” Their lips met and held for a few heartbeats before Kieran pulled back. “I’m going to be the man who cherishes everything you are. I won’t make the same mistake as those other guys. They didn’t deserve you, but I will.”
Tears stung the back of Finley’s eyes. “You already do, but I know that’s a conclusion you’ll have to reach on your own. Doesn’t mean I can’t start your journey off with an affirmation, and I’ll happily repeat it as often as you need. We deserve each other. We deserve happiness.”
Kieran’s mouth quirked up at the corner. “You learn that kind of thinking from your mom’s studio?”
Finley groaned. “Rule number one: never mention my mom or sister when we’re getting naked or on the verge of getting naked. Boner killer.”
Kieran chuckled. “Maybe she could bottle that up and sell it to people who get erections at the worst times.” Kieran thrust his hips forward, grinding his hard-on against Finley’s. “For the record, this isn’t one of them.”
He captured Finley’s mouth in a hot, hungry kiss because the time for talking had passed. Or had it? Was Finley’s offer to take things slow a reaction to their whirlwind relationship or a last-ditch effort at self-preservation? Weren’t both things important? Kieran sucked on Finley’s tongue, and he forgot his own name. Kieran broke their kiss to nuzzle Finley’s neck, sucking the sensitive skin beneath his ear. Finley shivered hard, and Kieran repeated the action, adding tongue and teeth this time. He pressed his lips to Finley’s ear and said, “This is going to be so much fun.”
Kieran Sullivan gave entirely new meaning totaking it slowas he stripped Finley bare. There wasn’t a spot on his body Kieran hadn’t caressed or kissed or a ticklish spot left undiscovered by the time he rolled to Finley’s side and submitted to the same torture. Kieran was better at hiding it, or he wasn’t ticklish, but Finley discovered plenty of erogenous zones he exploited until Kieran waved his discarded white sock as a flag.