Page 8 of The Fortunate Son
A wide smile met his question. “Can’t a guy do both?”
Rue had to be the most affable person Ivan had ever met. He’d been quiet and cautious when he’d arrived two years ago but had quickly taken to the ranch and its inhabitants. Rue made it hard to stay grouchy and guarded when faced with his disarming smiles and effervescent personality. The situation with Rory had made him incredibly grumpy for a host of reasons—both the original gripes he’d had when learning why he was there and some new and unnerving ones he didn’t want to explore. Ivan glowered until Rue held his hands up in surrender and walked away.
“I tried,” he called out to Owen and Tyler, who’d done a poor job of feigning disinterest.
Alone once more, Ivan’s thoughts returned to Rory, who slowly ambled toward the tent. His pale blue eyes seemed zeroed in on him, and Ivan couldn’t tear his gaze away, no matter how much he willed it. Rory’s words from earlier still bounced around in his head.
“You don’t like me, and I get it. Take a number and get in line. Hell, I’m pretty sure I can’t stand myself at the moment. But maybe give me a fair shake. I might surprise you.”
Ivan had lived an existence of self-loathing for longer than he wanted to admit. It had taken a traumatic event, a stint in jail, and Cash’s unwavering mentorship to learn to accept himself and build a bridge back to his family after his incarceration. Ivan had no way of knowing how tattered the fabric of Rory’s family was, but it was obvious how much Nick loved him. The embrace he’d witnessed between the brothers had touched him deeply and made Ivan reach for his phone. He’d quickly tapped out,You’re an okay guy,to his younger brother, Innes. He hadn’t expected the new father to respond right away, but a text and a photograph came through before he could return the device to his pocket.
Innes was stretched out on the sofa with his newborn daughter peacefully sleeping on his chest. As tired as his brother looked, the megawatt smile on his face broadcast the joy he’d discovered in fatherhood. The text beneath the photo read,We love you too. Can’t wait for you to meet your niece this summer.Sweet baby Claire had a head full of red hair like her daddy and the cutest chubby cheeks Ivan had ever seen.
Innes had taken the helm at their family’s farm two years ago after their father died suddenly. Early spring was a busy time for both of them, so Ivan had planned a long vacation in August. Maybe he could get away for a long weekend before then. He didn’t want to miss out on too much of Claire’s life.
Or sooner if I can swing it,he replied.Proud of you.
Innes replied with a winking emoji andRight back atcha.
A commotion in the yard caught his attention. Patsy, Cash’s border collie, barked excitedly and raced over to meet Rory before he reached the tent. Ivan judged people by how they treated animals. He expected Rory to be fastidious about his clothes and standoffish about getting dog hair and slobber on him. Instead, the man dropped to his knees and let the dog shower him with kisses between enthusiastic barks. Patsy put her paws on his knee and wriggled closer until he wrapped his arms around her for a hug.
Cash put two fingers in his mouth and whistled sharply. Rory dropped his arms, and the dog darted back to her master. Patsy was a brilliant dog and an excellent judge of character. Ivan wouldn’t admit it out loud, but Patsy had convinced him of Kieran’s good nature before anyone else had. She’d taken to him during K9 training at Arrowhead and had showered him with devotion when he arrived at the ranch last year. Even the most cantankerous horse in the stable had warmed up to Kieran, so Ivan had known there was goodness there. He’d just been slow to admit it because of jealousy. He smirked at his own stupidity.
Rory rose to his feet and continued toward the tent, but this time, he seemed to assess his reception from the others instead of seeking Ivan. Something about this guy triggered Ivan’s protective instincts. He itched to intercede but maintained his position by the grill. If Rory was going to fit in, he’d have to make the effort. Ivan was curious if he’d get flirty with the others or if he’d saved the act just for him. Recalling the heat shimmering in Rory’s blue eyes made it hard to convince himself it was all a ruse. But doing so would be best for Ivan’s peace of mind, so he’d just have to try harder.
Cash stepped forward when Rory reached the tent and placed a hand on the younger man’s shoulder. A low growl formed in his throat, but Ivan subdued the sound before it escaped his mouth. What the hell was his problem? It seemed protectiveness wasn’t the only unwelcome emotion the troublemaker sparked. Rory glanced in Ivan’s direction, and a slight smile tugged at his lips as if he’d somehow heard the possessive reaction. He just as quickly diverted his full attention to Cash as he introduced Rory to the others.
One by one, the crew politely greeted Rory and Cash as they moved closer to where he stood. Ivan saw recognition on several of their faces and guardedness on others. He hoped Cash knew what the hell he was doing because he risked messing up the chemistry on the ranch with this stunt. The last cluster of people between Rory and him were Finley, Kieran, and Finley’s family.
“Hello again,” Kieran said to Rory as they shook hands.
“Not sure what you’re celebrating, but congratulations,” Rory told him.
Finley placed his hand on Kieran’s shoulder and said, “A judge overturned Kieran’s conviction today.” He punctuated the statement by kissing his boyfriend’s cheek.
He watched Rory closely for his reaction to Finley’s remark. Had Nick or Cash told the man he’d landed on a ranch mostly comprised of convicted felons? If he was surprised, he didn’t let it show.
“That’s definitely something worth celebrating,” he said before moving to shake Finley’s hand. “Sorry I didn’t introduce myself earlier when I nearly ran you over.” Rory tipped his head in Ivan’s direction. “I was trying to keep up with Ivan.”
“No problem,” Finley said. “It’s good to meet you.” Finley wasn’t as skilled at hiding his reaction. “I really like your YouTube channel.”
“Thank you,” Rory said. “I’m a fan of your cheek bones.”
“Good genetics as you’ll soon see,” Finley said. He introduced Rory to his sister, Harry, who kept the crew well fed and Cash’s house in pristine order. They exchanged pleasantries before Finley introduced him to his mother and stepfather.
It turned out Finley’s entire family subscribed to Rory’s channel, though Ivan had no idea what that was. Rory seemed to be just as enamored with Hope. “Yes, I can see where your children get their exceptional looks,” Rory told her.
She cupped Rory’s cheeks and assessed him with her vivid green eyes. She’d pulled her wavy gray and white hair back into a ponytail and wore very little makeup. Hope had been Ivan’s second mom since the moment they’d met, and she’d eased the ache in his heart until he’d made amends with his own mother. Ivan figured Rory could use a little of her TLC right about then and maybe even a little of her guidance. She always knew the right thing to say, even when it was the last thing you wanted to hear.
Ivan held his breath while waiting for Hope to speak. She might offer Rory sage life hacks, or she could remark on the state of his sex or love life. Either way, her takes were ridiculously accurate. Hope surprised Ivan by simply pulling Rory into a long hug.
“Cougar,” Finley mock whispered. He turned to his stepdad with a raised brow, but Gary just shrugged as if to sayyou know how she is. When the hug lingered, Finley said, “Blink twice if you want to be rescued, Rory.”
Hope snorted and pulled back to smile at her son. “Don’t be jealous. I have plenty of love to go around.” She gave Rory her full attention again and kissed his cheek. “Come see me at my studio. We’ll have tea and chat.”
Rory smiled and nodded before shaking Gary’s hand. And then he was standing in front of Ivan, who was suddenly at a loss for words. Rory seemed like a different person than the one he’d first met. His blue eyes were clear of artifice and mischief, but it was hard to say which of the versions of Rory was real.
“I think maybe I’d like a do-over to make up for my bratty behavior earlier,” Rory said.