Page 6 of No Chance in Hell
“Sonny, Avery, my office. Now!”
Sonny had just entered the clubhouse kitchen to get a cup of badly needed coffee when Gage Hellion’s booming voice rang out.
Sonny had only gotten a few hours’ sleep in the basement instead of going back to his own two-bedroom cottage.
Some days he missed living in the club house with his brothers but most of the time, the quiet of his own place suited him. The club owned fifty acres of land and had numerous buildings scattered among them, including several homes for members.
Too bad he couldn’t go home and go back to sleep but there was no escaping this sit down. Sonny respected and admired Gage, considered him more like a father than a brother in arms.
But he also knew he was going to get a boot (or two) up his ass about last night. And what a night it was. Sonny and Jackson had helped get drunk Dante and Wyatt back to the clubhouse, then they dealt with Ray’s body at the bunker. It was nearly three in the morning by the time Sonny rolled into bed. Then he got a text from Gage at seven AM to get his ass up.
Fucking Avery.
Sauntering through the club house, Sonny passed the main lounge, as whistles, jeers, and shouts of “someone’s on cleaning duty for a fucking month” followed him. It reminded him of his last days at high school when he’d be in the principal’s office more than in actual class. Not that he listened either way. Sonny chafed at any authority but his own. Except the club, his one exception.
Their rules and his way of thinking aligned perfectly.
He made his way down the narrow hallway to Gage’s office when Avery stepped out of her bedroom and into his path, walking in front of him.
She had her blonde hair tied up in that messy bun again and was wandering around in bare feet. His eyes zeroed in on her high, round ass in tight jeans, and the hypnotizing way her hips rocked with every step. She wasn’t as curvy as the women he usually fucked but she had confidence and that was sexy as fuck. He had no idea why his dick was suddenly so in tune with this woman but his need for coffee was gone now that his blood was pumping again.
She looked over her shoulder and gave him a glare that would cut lesser men off at the knees.
“Ready to face the music, brat?” Sonny asked, as he moved up beside her until they were walking side by side.
Her scent wrapped around him without warning. It was warm and heady, like vanilla, and something deeper, spicier. Why did this woman have to look and smell so fucking good so early in the morning and after only a few hours of sleep?
Normally a kill gave him a high that lasted for weeks, but he was already crashing hard. He was bone tired, starving, and could use a shave. In short, he was crankier than usual. And getting horny for Avery made him more so.
“I didn’t do anything wrong,” she replied and gave him the side eye. “And even if I did, I’m a grown woman. I can take the punishment.”
Sonny’s mind considered all the filthy possibilities of that statement. He had that funny feeling again, like he wanted to laugh out loud. Imagining Avery submitting to anyone’s punishment, least of all his, was ridiculous. Hot as hell, no doubt, but really?
These crazy thoughts of his needed to get gone. Maybe he needed to get on his sled and ride for a few days. Or get laid. Yeah, a good hard fuck with a rando would set things right again.
“Right. Maybe if you’d keep your big mouth shut, you wouldn’t be in this position.”
Avery stopped and turned, pointing a finger at him. “They were the ones who stepped foot in our territory. I didn’t do anything wrong.”
“They didn’t leave right away cause they don’t respect you.”
“Because I’m a woman?”
“That too.”
“What part of ‘now’ do you two not understand?” Gage interrupted as he stood in the doorway of his office, arms crossed over his cut.
At six five, with shoulder length hair that was more white than blond, and tattoos on every inch of his skin except his face, Gage Hellion was a man you would meet once and never forget.
Gage’s brown eyes bore a warning that Sonny recognized but ignored.
Avery and Sonny silently entered the office and sat down in the two chairs that faced Gage’s desk. Gage slammed the door and stalked around to sit down, his leather chair creaking under the weight of his two hundred and fifty plus pounds.
“Tell me what happened last night, Avery.” Gage looked at his daughter. “And don’t skip details.”
Avery’s face flushed and she licked her lips, a nervous tell. She gave the rundown and Gage listened patiently.