Page 8 of No Chance in Hell
“I would have shot him in the dick like I threatened,” Avery replied with a grin.
Both Gage and Sonny shook their heads.
“That’s just fucking mean.”
“You’re one to talk, Sonny.” Avery turned and headed for the door. “If there’s nothing else, I’ve got work to do.”
“Remember what I said, Avery. Don’t get it in your head that you’re gonna start poking into the Death Riders and going off to investigate on your own. If you learn something, you bring it to Sonny and to me. Understood?” Gage bellowed.
“Of course,” Avery answered with a grin that Sonny recognized as practiced.
She was lying. Avery was a know-it-all who wanted to prove that she had a place in the club. Sonny realized, too late, that he was going to have much bigger problems to deal with than arguments over running the bar.
In short, he was fucked.
“Hey, sexy, get me another beer.”
Avery fought an eye roll at the customer’s comment.
She stood behind the bar taking drink orders in a low-cut tank top, her best cowboy boots, and the tightest jeans she owned.
She didn’t consider herself a beauty by any means, but she worked with what she had. Some of the regulars knew about her so she didn’t want to change her persona too much and raise red flags. But upgrading her clothes and changing her attitude might work. They’d assume she was trying hard to get a man’s undivided attention and that was good cover, even if it did make her temper run hot.
Funny how she wanted Sonny to take ownership of the bar but now that he was hanging around daily, it grinded on her every nerve. He was enjoying telling Avery what to do far too much.
She leaned down and opened the fridge under the counter to grab a bottle, uncapped it and slammed it on the bar top in front of the customer. He could take his cheesy come on and shove it up his…
Speak of the devil.
Avery looked over her shoulder to find Sonny behind her. “What is it now? Do you need me to show you how to count cash? Don’t tell me you don’t know basic math.”
She chuckled and turned back to face the customer until a sudden swat on her ass made her jump.
Whirling around, she found Sonny standing stone-faced as usual. Except for the slight flush on his face. That was new.
“Just because I’m willing to play dumb for a bit doesn’t give you the right to touch me,” she snapped.
He leaned in close, and Avery’s breath hitched. Sonny smelled good – too good. Warm, woodsy, and masculine. Her pulse began to beat as hot as her temper.
“If you want to make your cover believable, start acting like it. Don’t mouth off to me every fucking second. Do as your told. Also, take off the bra. If you’re trying to get my attention you need to show me your assets. Got it?”
“I hate you,” Avery hissed at him as her face reddened.
“Right back at you, brat,” Sonny replied with a smirk. “It’s your break time. Come back in ten. And remember what I said.”
Avery grabbed her purse and stalked off to the bathroom, slamming the door behind her.
“Fucking asshole,” Avery muttered to herself as she entered the stall at the end. Against her better judgement, she removed her bra and stuffed it in her purse. Her b-cup breasts held up no problem in the tank top but her stiff nipples were about to make holes in it. Furious at her body’s reaction she took a few deep breaths and willed herself - and her tits - to calm.
Frustration mounted but she wouldn’t let it win. She had a job to do.
Her mind wandered back to her conversation with Wyatt and Dante. All they remembered from Friday night were the names of the women that came on to them. And it turns out, those women were involved with the Death Riders.