Page 3 of Heartbeat
Despite that, I smiled wider, “Nice to meet you too, sir.”
Although I could tell Conrad Nash was trying to get in good with my father, his son simply looked through me with cold blank blue eyes filled with disinterest.
I don’t know why, but Lennox Nash’s disinterest bothered me. Mainly because my heartbeat was pounding with just one look at him.
My father is up to something, and I don’t know what. He insisted on coming to Jagger’s wedding when he’d only met him twice. Jagger and I met while we were at undergrad. He was a few years ahead of me, but we hit it off and became friends. He had always been an intense guy, but his behavior at his ceremony was beyond crazy. Jagger would definitely have his hands full with his new wife.
I shake my head clear of the insane wedding, and I watch my father rub elbows with some of the elite members of Founder’s Island. When I see him talking to a tall man with a goatee, things start to click. Conrad Nash would do any and everything necessary to get his business into Founder’s Island.
See, my father is a “businessman.” He may act legitimate, but he’s far from it. His real-estate business is a front for money laundering, gambling, and any other type of illegal fuckery one can imagine.
At thirty-four and the second oldest son, I never worried about taking over dear old dad’s businesses one day. My older brother Sawyer was happy to fill his shoes. He hopped into the criminal underworld with both feet and never looked back.
I, however, always wanted to do something more with my life. I wanted to make a difference. I became a doctor, a Neurosurgeon, to be exact. But that wasn’t enough for Conrad Nash. He was constantly nagging me about my trust fund and how to invest it when I turned thirty-five and got another humongous installment of my grandfather’s money.
I would never waste my money investing with my father. And he was pissed about it. He couldn’t control me with money or anything else for that matter, and it was killing him. All of my brothers fell in line with his plans for them except for me.
“Hey, son. I have someone I would like you to meet.” My father walked up with a man I immediately recognized, “This is Dr. Alejandro Bishops. He’s the owner and director of Bishops Health and Medical here on the Island.” My father smiled proudly.
Alejandro Bishops was a big deal. His hospital was one of the most prestigious facilities in the world. It was a family owned and operated center, so it was shrouded in mystery. However, history-making medical breakthroughs were always coming out of BHM. Their research and treatments were known all over the world, and it was damn near impossible to get an interview there.
“Dr. Bishops, it’s a pleasure.” I couldn’t help the smile that broke out on my clean-shaven face. I knew all thirty-two of my bright white teeth were on display.
“Dr. Nash, the pleasure is all mine,” Bishops smiled and nodded with a twinkle in his gray eyes.
“What’s your specialty, son?”
“I’m a Neurosurgeon, sir,” I answered quickly. If this little introduction could get my foot in the door at BHM, I would gladly stand here and shoot the shit with him for the rest of the evening. I was happy I didn’t leave after realizing Jagger’s ass wasn’t going to make it to his own reception.
“Hmm. Your father says you graduated top of your class.”
“Yes, sir. Suma-cum-laude,” I stated with my chest puffed out with pride. I worked hard for that shit, hell yeah, I was proud as fuck.
“Good, good. I have someone I want you to meet.” Bishops’ walks away, and my father and I follow him.
The conversation that followed was confusing as hell. Apparently, he wanted me to meet his daughter, Robin, who is a doctor at his hospital. Pretty girl, but she was rude as fuck. She behaved like a spoiled child who wanted to be anywhere but here being introduced to me.
From what I gathered from the back and forth between father and daughter, she was at least thirty-three. Fuck no! I want no parts of that bullshit. What thirty-something-year-old pouts and whines like a fucking brat. Nope. No. Hell fucking no! I hope Bishops didn’t want me to date his daughter cause I for damned sure don’t need that kind of stress.
My father, on the other hand, seemed to be loving just being in the presence of the Bishops. I mean, they are a powerful family and all, but we have our own money. We don’t need to kiss anybody’s ass.Conrad, what are you up to?
The question would not let go. It kept running through my mind because I know my father. There’s always a reason for his actions. Although he’s a sleazy fucker, he’s smart. My father made millions of dollars illegally and never once got caught up. Those around him may have gone down, but my father always managed to come out looking squeaky clean. And even after all the money he’s made, he still isn’t respected as one of the elite.
“And who is this lovely young woman?” I heard my father ask as the father daughter duo continued to glare at each other.
I didn’t even notice the petite young lady slumped down in her seat. Her wide gray eyes bounced back and forth as if she were watching a tennis match. Her skin was a flawless shade of dark brown that looked soft to the touch. My heartbeat sped up with the first glimpse of her.
Her jet black hair was pulled into a sleek high bun showcasing her long, elegant neck. Her button nose was scrunched as if she were disgusted at what she was seeing. When she heard my father’s question, she instantly sat up straight and smiled.
“Oh, that’s just my other daughter, Raven,” Bishops waved his hand dismissively. I frowned.What the fuck?
“It’s nice to meet you, just Raven,” my father turned on the charm. Raven smiled wider, but it wasn’t genuine.
“Nice to meet you too, sir,” her husky voice rolled over me like a caress that sent a shiver down my spine.Fuck!I gave her another look. Her voice was as sexy as she was.