Page 106 of Kiss to Shatter
“I’m sorry, Prescott. We’re out of chocolate muffins.”
“But Jade has it.”
The way his brows pull together, confusion written all over his face, is so adorable I almost burst into laughter.
Prescott? Adorable?
“Yeah, well, Jade just took the last two.”
Nixon lets out a groan just as Prescott turns to face me, arms crossed over his chest. “You took my muffin?”
I grin at him, the pain of my burnt tongue long forgotten. “I think what you mean to say is, I’m eatingmymuffin that I got because I was here first.” With that, I sink my teeth into the soft chocolatey goodness. Prescott’s eyes narrow at me, which makes the pastry taste even more delicious.
“Seriously? You’re going to eat both of them?”
“I did buy both of them. So yes, I guess I will.”
“How can you even eat two muffins? You’re so…” He gives me a once-over that has the heat rising under my skin. “Tiny.”
“Oh, trust me, I have more than enough room to put them.”
Swallowing the last of my muffin, I lick the crumbs from my fingers. When I look up, I see Prescott staring at my mouth. My stomach tightens at the look of desire flaring in his dark eyes. I shift in my seat, feeling that familiar pulsing between my thighs.
Damn that man and his pretty fuck-me eyes.
The corner of his mouth lifts in the tiniest of smiles as if he can read my mind. I bite the inside of my cheek, my throat bobbing under his intense stare.
“Are you two seriously going to fight over amuffin?” Nixon asks, breaking me from my completely inappropriate thoughts.
“Yes,” we say in unison, neither of us looking away.
From the corner of my eye, I can see my brother lift his hands in surrender. “Sorry, I asked.”
“Look at the bright side. At least they agreed on something,” Yas chimes in.
“They agreed over fighting about a muffin, Yas. There is no bright side.”
“That’s something too.”
“Well, don’t worry, big brother, there won’t be any fight since I bought this muffin fair and square. Therefore, it’s mine, and I’m going to eat it right here, right now.”
I grab the other muffin from the plate and start peeling the paper off—a look of complete horror flashes on Prescott’s face.
“You can’t be serious.”
“Oh, I’m dead serious.”
“Would it be so hard to share?”
I raise my brow. “I thought you didn’t like sharing.”
His eyes narrow as I throw his own words back at him.
“You’re going to pay for this,” Prescott whispers, so only I can hear it.
I didn’t doubt it for a moment. Hell, a part of me was looking forward to it.
“Bring it on, hotshot. Bring it on.” With a smile, I bite into my muffin, making sure to moan extra loudly just to piss him off. If it’s to be judged by the death glare Prescott sends my way, he knows it too.