Page 118 of Kiss to Shatter
“I ate,” I lie. “I think I’ll just go edit these photos. See if any of them are good enough to submit for that competition.”
“Still no luck with figuring it out?” Rei asks, taking a sip of the green stuff. What she puts in that I don’t even want to ask.
“It’s barely October,” I shrug. “There’s more than enough time.”
“Maybe one of todays will be the winner,” Grace says, turning her attention to Mason.
“Maybe.” I tap my fingers against the doorway, itching to get out of there. “I’ll see you later?”
“If you change your mind about the food, come back out!” Grace calls out as I make my way down the hallway and into my room.
And be their fifth wheel? I think not.
Sliding into my room, I close the door behind me and drop my things on the bed. Grabbing a hoodie and a pair of clean underwear, I take them into the bathroom and start to pull off my shirt when a jab of pain goes through my arm and into my side.
The reflection in the mirror catches my attention, making me stop in my tracks. Two of the bumps under my arm have grown bigger since the last time and are swollen and red. Slowly, I let the shirt drop into the hamper before I unhook the bra, only to be greeted by a purple bruise on my breast.
A knot forms in my throat as I just stare at my reflection.
Maybe it’s Prescott—
Even as the words cross my mind, I know they’re a load of bullshit. Prescott didn’t do this. I barely even let him touch my breasts. Just the idea of it had my stomach rolling. That somebody could touch my breasts… How would they not know? And what would I tell him if he found out?
No, he could never touch them.
Turning my back to the mirror, I step into the shower and quickly wash up, making sure not to look at my reflection before putting on the clothes I had brought earlier.
Grabbing my laptop, I climb onto my bed and get to work.
Shifting my weight, I curl my leg underneath me. My mouse moves over the screen as I work on the latest batch of photos I took this week in preparation of my scheduled dark room time.
Or maybe, I’m just ignoring the fact that I have yet to start reading the next book for my English lit class. The jury is still out.
Nobody could ever confuse me for a geek. I love photography. I love taking photos, trying to figure out the best angle and the perfect light, capture just the right moment to turn a second into eternity. Studying, on the other hand… It’s not like I can’t do it. I just find it boring as hell. Hence me leaving it for the very last moment.
Point in question…
Sucking at my lower lip, I adjust the lighting on the photo just the tiniest bit before giving the screen a critical glance. Good, but it still feels like it’s missing…
A slight rattling sound breaks me out of my thoughts. I pause, listening. But when there’s nothing else, I save the photo only to hear it again.
Not even rattling; more like a skitter.
Clank. Clank. Clank.
Placing the laptop on the bed, I get to my feet and walk slowly to my window. I look around, expecting a bird or something, but there’s nothi—
I frown at the windowsill.
A stone?
I look down, my eyes widening, when I see the person responsible for the noise. Pushing away the curtain, I open the window.
“What are you doing here?” I whisper yell, looking left and right, but there’s nobody around.
Except him.