Page 136 of Kiss to Shatter
“You still have a chance,” I point out. I hate seeing Nixon disappointed like that. I know how much it would mean for him to win this year. How badly he wants it.
Nixon lets go of Yasmin and throws his hand over my shoulder. “A very slim and complicated one.”
“Well, if anybody can do it, I know you guys can.”
“Didn’t realize you had so much faith in us, Smalls,” Nixon says, ruffling my hair.
I swat his hand away, ducking from under his arm. “More like I’m in no mood to listen to you bitch for the next few months.”
“I’ll give you…” he takes a step toward me, but Yasmin wraps her fingers around Nixon’s forearm and tugs him back.
“Hey, why’d you do that?” Nixon protests.
My gaze darts to the door, but there’s still no Prescott. I pull out my phone and quickly type him a message.
“Because I know you two, and I don’t want you to get in another one of your fights. God, I’m so happy that I’m an only child.” She looks over her shoulder. “You coming, Jade?”
“Huh?” I look up from my phone and see Yasmin and Nixon watching me. “Oh, I have to answer a text, and then I think I’ll just go back home.”
“We can drive you,” Nixon shrugs.
“Ummm…”Shit, of course, he’d have to suggest that now. “Grace is just going home from the dance studio, so we’ll walk together,” I lie easily. She actually went out on a date with Mason after his game and won’t be coming home tonight, but what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.
Nixon runs his fingers through his hair. “Okay, stay safe?”
“I’ll see you tomorrow for brunch.” He gives me a pointed look. “Try to make it this time around?”
“Yeah, yeah…” I wave him off. “Off with you two.”
With a shake of his head, Nixon throws his arm around Yasmin’s shoulders and pulls her toward the parking lot and his car. I lean against the wall, scrolling mindlessly through social media as I wait for Prescott to appear.Every once in a while, I look up, but there’s no sight of him.
Where is he?
I thought at this point everybody got out, but I hadn’t seen him. Did he slip away when I wasn’t looking?
No, I’d have felt it. Felt him.
He’s inside, but why I have no idea.
A shiver runs through me. I should have probably worn a thicker jacket, but I wasn’t ready just yet to part with the leather one.
A few more minutes. If he’s not out in a few more minutes, I’ll leave.
At least, that’s what I keep telling myself.
I’m not sure how long I’m standing in the shadows, waiting, when the door finally opens, and Prescott’s tall frame comes out. His duffle bag is hanging off his shoulder, his head ducked.
My throat bobs as I swallow. I was expecting him to be angry, but more than that, he looks defeated, and I’m not sure how to deal with this new version of Prescott.
I’m ready to push from the wall when a man walks toward him and gets in Prescott’s way. He looks up, surprise flashing on his face when he sees him, but before he can say anything, the guy lifts his hand and punches him.
What the…
My heart plummets, a knot forming in my throat as Prescott’s head snaps to the side. Slowly, he lifts his hand, covering the side of his mouth.
“How did you allow yourself to be tackled like that?” The man shakes his head in disgust. “If not for you, the team would have got that last touchdown and won the game.”He spits on the ground. “Despicable.”