Page 45 of Kiss to Shatter
“You know when you ditched us, so Grace figured she’d invite her boyfriend and his friends? That day?”
Grace takes a towel from the counter and tosses it at me. “Hey, you had fun!”
“That’s not the point.”
“But it seemed like you guys had a good time the other day!”
“I’m not denying that, but just because we had fun doesn’t mean that I want to date the guy.”
“How aboutonedate? For me?” She bats her eyelashes. “Pretty, please?”
I rub my forehead, feeling the headache looming. “I’m not caffeinated enough to deal with this.”
I’m still sleeping for shit, tossing and turning for the better part of the night until my body finally gives in as the sun starts to creep through the curtains.
“Just think about it. I heard from a reliable source that Michael would be interested if you’re game. It could be a double date!”
“A reliable source, huh?” I take a sip of my coffee. “I bet you did.”
“I mean, what would be the harm in that?” Rei asks.
“How about giving him false hope?”
Grace raises her brows. “By going on one date with him?” I open my mouth to protest, but she stops me. “No, think about it. You don’t have to say anything now.”
There was nothing to think about, but I wasn’t about to continue this discussion. “I’m off to change since I have a class to get to. Meet you guys later for the football game?”
“You know it.” Grace grins. “I’m so ready for the season to start. Mason is also…”
I narrow my eyes at her.
“… coming with us.Alone. Geez.”
“He better be.”
* * *
The strong beat of the music is blasting in my ears as I secure my shoulder pads. I grab the black jersey and pull it over my head. I concentrate on the rock blaring in my ears, trying to empty my mind of everything that’s not football and our next opponent.
An elbow connects with my side. Pulling my headphones down, I turn around to see the coaches enter the locker room.
“Okay, boys. It’s game time.” Coach claps his hands, demanding our attention. There’s a beat of silence as everybody stops what they’ve been doing and focuses on Coach’s words. “I know the pre-season has been a bit rocky, but I have complete trust in the team we’re building.” He scans the room, making sure to meet the eyes of every player. “I’ve chosen every single man in here for a reason. This year, all the eyes are already turned our way to see if we can make the impossible and bring the title of national champions back home. I know you have it in you. Now, I need you to go out there and prove it to the rest of the country.”
Heads nod in agreement at Coach’s words. His eyes fall on Nixon, who tips his chin at him before taking a sweep of the room.
“You heard the man. They want to see us fail, but we won’t make it easy, now, will we?”
Soft murmurs of agreement spread through the room.
“I asked, will we?” Nixon yells, this time louder.
“No!” everybody chants as somebody turns up the music.
Nixon nods, the veins in his neck bulging as he yells. “Who are we?”