Page 8 of Kiss to Shatter
Nixon shakes his head and turns toward me. “Was that really necessary?”
“What? She started it. I just tried to beniceand help.”
“I seriously don’t understand you two.”
“What’s there to understand? She’s a spoiled brat, and, for whatever reason, she hates my guts.”
“Hate might be too strong of a…” Nixon starts, but I give him a pointed look which has him reconsidering. “Okay, yes, she pretty much hates your guts.”
She didn’t hate your guts when you were in Hawaii last spring,a little voice reminds me, but I push it back.
I’ll most definitelynotthink about that fiasco.
“Besides, it was your idea to invite me without telling me shit. So thanks for that, dude.”
“Oh, come on! Would you have come if I told you?”
I narrow my eyes at him.
“That’s what I thought,” Nixon grins. He starts toward the truck where Jade picked up the chair earlier. “Although seriously, you should be thanking me. What else would you have done this fine afternoon?”
“Oh, I don’t know, gone to Moore’s to celebrate the fact that I’m back on the field?”
“And we’ll do that. Once we haul all this shit up into Jade’s apartment.”
I look skeptically at the trunk, where a few boxes are still inside. “How much of it is there?”Maybe they’re close to being done?“That it?”
If so, I can do this good deed, not that the lady in question will appreciate it, Nixon will be happy, and I can go about my afternoon as planned. Moore’s, a few drinks, maybe a lady to help me forget the throbbing in my knee and… other parts.
Help me forgether.
“Umm…” Nixon rubs the back of his neck. “There might be more at Maddox’s.”
“How much more are we talking about?”
Nixon turns his back to me, grabbing a couple of boxes and shoving them into my hands.
“Nixon? How much more?” He keeps his mouth firmly shut. “Goddammit. How much stuff can one girl have?”
“It’s technically three girls. But you’re doing a good deed. Think of it as extra practice; only you’ll get a beer afterward, too.”
I tighten my hands around the boxes, shifting the weight. “I feel like a beer ain’t gonna cut it.”
“Just carry the boxes, Prescott. The faster you do it, the faster we’ll be done.”
“Dammit!” I mutter as I place the chair in the living room. My back hurts, and my arms hurt. Everything hurts. But it’s worth it because there’s no way I’d have lethimcarry that damn chair upstairs if for nothing else than to show him he’s wrong. “Freaking idiot.”
“Who’s an idiot?” Yasmin asks as she comes into the living room.
“My stupid brother, aka your husband.”
Yasmin chuckles, “What did he do now?”