Page 54 of Kiss To Salvage
“We can go with that one too.”
“Tomorrow afternoon, we’re going away for a game, but if you text me before I leave, I can bring you anything you need.”
“I’m sure I’ll be fine. The girls are here. It’s not like I’m alone.”
These days, between everybody fussing about me, it was hard to get a few minutes of alone time to go to the bathroom, much less anything else.
“I know, but they’re not me.” Nixon leans down, pressing a kiss to the top of my head. “I’ll see you later?”
“I’ll see you later.” I watch as Nixon walks toward the door. “Nixon?” My brother looks at me over his shoulder. “Kick some ass, will ya?”
The corner of his mouth lifts in a half smile. “You know it.”
Once my brother is gone, I pull out the ice packs since they’ve long stopped doing their purpose, but since I’m too lazy to get up, I just snuggle into the covers and turn on Netflix, my best friend these past few days.
At some point, I must doze off because the next thing I hear is my window being pushed open. I look up to find Prescott climbing inside my room.
“You seriously need to start using the door,” I whisper, pushing into a sitting position.
“Where’s the fun in that?”
“Oh, I don’t know. Not breaking your neck?”
“That’s for pussies. Besides, if it were that dangerous, I would have already fallen at least a dozen times.” Prescott lets his duffle bag drop on the floor by my desk before he joins me on the bed. He cups my cheek, pushing away a strand of hair behind my ear. “How are you feeling?”
“As good as I look.”
“So awful?”
I gently shove him away, but not gently enough because a jab of pain goes through me.
“Fuck, Jade. You’re in pain.” Prescott’s gaze shifts to my nightstand. “When was the last time you put on an ice pack?”
“A few hours ago. I didn’t feel like getting up.”
“And pain meds?”
“I don’t like them. They make me feel dizzy and sleepy.”
“That’s the point of pain meds.” He grabs the bottle and slides two tablets into his palm. He looks at them for a moment before giving them to me along with the bottle of water. “Now take them like a good girl.”
“Here you go again.” I look at the bottle of water, noticing the intact seal, but before I can even try to open it, Prescott grabs it and opens it for me. “First, you want to tie me to the bed. Now you want me to be a good girl.”
Prescott gives me a warning look. “Jade…”
“What?” I bat my eyelashes innocently. “I’m just repeating what you said.”
He opens his mouth to protest, but before he can say anything, the door opens, and Grace’s head appears in the doorway.
“Hey, are you hun—” The words die on her lips when she notices Prescott sitting on the bed next to me. I see the moment of confusion for a split second before her gaze darts toward the open window and then back to us. “Oh, sorry, I didn’t realize you were here.”
I give Prescott a pointed look. “I keep telling him he should use the door.”
“But this is closer to where I usually park my car.”
“Oh-kay,” Grace drawls. “You guys wanna eat? I was just about to order some pizza.”
“I’m not really…” I start, but Prescott interrupts me. “Food sounds great.”