Page 80 of Kiss To Salvage
When some of my teammates see us, they make room for us on the couch. I sit down, breathing a sigh of relief the moment my ass hits the cushion.
Jade gives me a worried glance, her fingers tracing my face. “I really think we should have stayed home.”
I take her hand in mine, pulling her onto my lap. She tries to protest, but I’m not budging. I’ll take all the pain as long as it means I get to hold her close.
I take a sip of my drink. “I’m fine.”
She grabs my chin and turns me to face her. “Your face is pale, and you’re sweating.”
I quirk my brow at her, smirking. “You wanna tell me something, doll?”
“Don’t joke about this.” She slaps me on the shoulder half-heartedly. “I was so damn worried. You were down, and everybody was moving so freaking slow, and when they finally got up, you didn’t.”
“I know. I’m sorry for worrying you.”
“What happened anyway? I saw you guys talking for a split second, but the camera focused on the play.”
Oh, I did; very interesting things. Like the fact your tastes lean toward flat-chested boys. I always knew you were fucked up. I just never understood to what point. Brother issues, Wentworth?
I pull my brows together, my fingers clenching into fists. The rage that simmered inside me yesterday is as hot as ever. “Nothing. Just him talking shit like usual.”
Jade shakes her head. “What he did was stupid and reckless. He could have ruined your leg forever.”
“You’re here!” Yasmin joins us before I can say anything, which I’m grateful for.
Seriously, what’s there to say? The last thing I want to do is openly lie to her—for a few more weeks. I have to get through a few more weeks, and it’ll be over.
“This place is crazy,” Nixon hands Yasmin a drink before looking at me. “How’s that leg doing?”
He shakes his head. “Seriously, if either of you says that word one more time, I might be tempted to strangle you.”
“Don’t ask stupid questions if you don’t want stupid answers.” I take a decent swig of my drink, cursing myself for not going for straight Jack.
Thankfully, they get the memo, so Yasmin starts chatting about all the things that she has planned for Thanksgiving dinner. My stomach perks at the idea because the girl knows how to cook, and I haven’t had a home-cooked meal in forever.
Finishing off my drink, I notice the time. “I’m off to the bathroom.”
Jade slides off my lap, and I get to my feet, my leg screaming in protest. I get out in the hallway, and the house seems more crowded than before. Somebody calls out my name, and I wave at them, not stopping to chat as I make my way up the stairs, bypassing all the couples making out or those sitting and drinking.
I glance back to make sure nobody is following me, but only emptiness greets me.
I look at the doors as I make my way down the hallway. The music isn’t as loud here, so I can hear the noises coming from behind the closed doors, until I finally get to the last one. With my hand on the doorknob, I check the hallway once more before slipping inside and coming to a stop.
“Well, hello, handsome,” a voice purrs softly as the girl takes me in from head to toe.
“Are you shitting me?” I hiss at Manolo, who’s sitting on the bed, the girl sprawled over his lap. Even in the dim light, I can see her cheeks are pink and pupils dilated. She’s drunk or high, hell, maybe both.
“Don’t worry, Wentworth, Judie’s lips are sealed. Right, babe?”
The girl nods her head, her tongue peeking out to slide over her lips.
“I thought you were all about secrecy. This doesn’t seem secret to me.”
“And to me, it’s a perfect ruse.” He tilts his chin at me. “What do you need? More of those pain meds you love?”
My gaze shifts to the girl, but she’s busy nuzzling her face in the guy’s neck.