Page 114 of Kiss Me Tenderly
“He dragged me out, and we got in a fight, and then it started to rain.”
“And?” Jade urges. “Spill the tea.”
I let out a sigh. “And then he kissed me,” I confess softly.
Jade squeals loudly. “I knew it! Didn’t I tell you? The guy has it bad for you.”
“Didn’t you want to strangle him just a second ago?”
“That was before I knew he kissed you. Was it good?”
“It was…”
Magical. Earthshattering. Perfect.
It was everything I imagined it would be and more.
“You have itbad,” Jade laughs, snapping me out of the fall down memory lane, which only makes me blush harder.
“Who’s the mysterious guy?” Yasmin asks, reminding me we’re not alone.
“Nobody,” I say quickly. At the same time, Jade chimes in, “Her crush.”
“He’s not my crush, he’s…”
The end of the sentence stays hanging in the air because I, once again, don’t have the right words to describe what Sebastian is to me.
You know what you want him to be, a little voice whispers from the back of my head.
“He’s what?” Jade asks, and I can hear a knowing smirk in her voice.
I shrug helplessly.
“Stop teasing the poor girl,” Yasmin tells Jade before shifting her attention to me. “Ignore her. She’s so nosey lately. What do you want me to get you?”
I tell her my order, grateful for the change of subject, even if it is only temporary.
“Did you get to see him?” Jade probes again just as I’m taking a sip of my coffee. The beverage burns my tongue, but I bite back the protest.
“Not today.”
“But didn’t you…”
Just then, my alarm goes off on my watch. I lift my arm in the air as I slide out of my seat, coffee in hand. “Duty calls.”
“This isn’t over!” Jade calls after me as I grab Henry’s harness and tell him to find an exit.
“I don’t doubt it for a second.”
The rest of the day passes in a blur. I let Henry do his business before we make our way to my next class, and while I try to focus on what my professor is saying, a part of me is still thinking about Sebastian.
Once class is finished, I all but run to the music room, expecting him to be there like he always is, but the room is silent.
My disappointment is palpable as I make my way to the piano and slide on the bench. Henry brushes against my leg, his tongue licking my hand and tickling me in the process.
“Do you think he’ll come?” I ask Henry, which only earns me a soft whine. “Maybe he’s just late. Or maybe he’s busy with something, but seriously, wouldn’t he have texted me by now?” Because, yes, I did check my messages the first time I got a chance in between my classes earlier, but there were only texts from Jade checking in. “He was the one who insisted we should do this. Or maybe it’s what happened yesterday.”
The kiss.