Page 134 of Kiss Me Tenderly
My muscles still feel the aftershocks of the orgasm when Penelope’s body falls slack over mine, completely spent.
I wrap my arm around her, pulling her to me. That sweet scent of roses beckons me, only now there is an unmistakable musky scent of sex, ofus, clinging to her skin too, calling me to bury my head in the crook of her neck and inhale it deep into my lungs.
Something swells inside my chest. Satisfaction? Pride? The hell if I know. It just feels heavy on my chest, making it hard to breathe. Hard to think. All I want to do, all I can do, really, is hold her and be.
I thought I was ready for it, that I was ready for her, but damn it, I didn’t know shit. It might have been her first time, but it felt like it was mine too. I wanted to make this good for her. And not just that, I wanted to make her feel good. Show her all the things that she’s been missing. Show her how good it could be for us. But the only thing I realized was how empty my sex life had been before her because this, right here, was something completely out of this world.
Sliding my fingers over the curve of her back, I wait for my heartbeat to slow down and my breathing to go back to normal. I glance down at the woman lying on my chest, a look of complete bliss on her face, and I can feel my stomach tighten with need.
She was absolutely breathtaking, and even though I just had her, I wanted her again. And again. And again.
What was this woman doing to me?
A lock of hair falls in her face. Before she can do anything, I brush the silky strand away. “How are you feeling?” My voice sounds gruff even to my own ears.
She tries to push upright, but I wrap my arms around her tighter. I wasn’t ready to let go just yet.
“Stay,” I whisper softly.
I expect her to protest like she has a tendency to do. I swear, sometimes she does it just to piss me off, but this time she gives in instead. “Okay.”
Laying her head on my chest, she lets out a long sigh and nuzzles her cheek into the crook of my neck, and hums softly.
“You good?” I ask, tracing my fingers up. Her skin is silky soft to the touch, goosebumps spreading over it.
I let out a small chuckle. “That’s the best you’ve got?”
“I think you broke me.”
Although I’ve been thinking the exact same thing, hearing those same words fall from her lips has me pausing. My brows pull together, and I can feel my muscles tense. “I don’t like the sound of that.” I look down at her. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”
“No, silly. You didn’t hurt me. Maybe put me in an orgasmic coma, but otherwise, I’m fine. Better than fine, really. I should be the one asking you howyou’re feeling. After all, you were the one who had a fever.” She raises her hand to my face, placing it against my forehead. “You okay?”
That sounded better, but I still couldn’t help but worry.
“I’m fine.”
Gently, I turn us around, my cock slipping out of her.
“What are—”
I place a kiss on the side of her forehead. “I have to take care of the condom. I’ll be right back.”
Getting to my feet, I glance down at her. The sheets are all messy, her wild hair splayed over the white pillow. She shifts to her stomach, her naked ass slightly lifted in the air. A very nice ass.
My dick stirs to life at the mere sight of her.
Seriously, dude?
Shaking my head at myself, I turn around and make my way to the bathroom. Getting rid of the condom, I wash my hands before opening a few cabinets until I spot a small towel. Placing it under the warm water, I squeeze out the excess water before going out in the hallway, only to almost run over Henry.
“Dammit, you scared me,” I mutter.
The dog doesn’t seem the least bit amused as he gives me a knowing once-over. With a careful glance his way—because seriously, I don’t need to lose my dick—I move past him and go back to the room.
“Would you mind letting Henry in?” Penelope asks, turning toward the door.