Page 187 of Kiss Me Tenderly
I try to stifle my laughter by burrowing my head in Sebastian’s chest unsuccessfully, I might add.
Sebastian jabs me playfully in the side. “Don’t you start too,” he mutters. “Fine.”
I listen with half an ear as Brianna catches him up on everything that’s been going on and then proceeds to tell him the plan for the upcoming week while he grumbles all the way.
“There’s also an interview with—”
“No interviews,” he cuts her off.
“No interviews, Brianna. I’ll do the awards show. I’ll play nice while here. But no interviews.”
“She’s not going to be happy about it.”
“Well,shecan come and complain to me about it.”
“Oh, now you’ve gone and done it,” Seraphina laughs.
“I’m not backing down on this,” Sebastian says stubbornly.
I place my palm over his, rubbing the back of his hand.
Could they blame him for not wanting to do an interview? I didn’t, not after seeing how the media treated him earlier. They were hungry to get a piece of him, and I was pretty sure they would stop at nothing in order to do so.
The car suddenly comes to a stop.
“This is us.” Sebastian opens the door. “We’ll see you guys later.”
“You kids have fun,” Seraphina chimes. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“You’re not staying?” I ask, surprised.
“Nope, I have a place of my own here. Besides, the last thing I want is to be with you lovebirds. I heard more than enough back at Blairwood, thank you very much.”
I can feel my cheeks heat at her teasing tone. “Okay.”
“And I have a shit ton of work to do since a certain somebody decided to rise from the dead,” this comes from Brianna. “Will you answer your phone when I call you?”
“If I really have to.”
“You better, or I might just strangle you.”
“I love you too, Bri.”
With that, Sebastian gets out of the car, and I do the same, his hand locking with mine. For a moment, we just stand there, and I wonder what he might be thinking about, but before I get a chance to ask, we’re already walking. “Let’s get inside. Be careful; there are steps,” Sebastian warns, but Henry has already come to a stop.
With their help, I make my way up the stairs, and Sebastian unlocks the front door. “And this is my place.”
I turn around, pretending to give it a look. “Very nice. Love it. The colors are just sobright.”
Sebastian tugs at a strand of my hair. “You’re a shit joker. You know that?”
“Hey, you’re the one trying to show a blind girl your place,” I point out, unable to hold back my amusement.
“It was just a statement, but there is one particular place I wanted to show you in my house.”
My brows rise in interest, excitement coursing through me. “Did you?”