Page 20 of Kiss Me Tenderly
A hand covers mine over the table, giving me a firm squeeze. “You’re one kickass woman, Penelope. People should feel lucky to know you for exactly who you are.”
“I know. Some days I wish it was that easy, but at least I have you, Rei, and Grace.”
I had a few other people I hung out with in classes, but the three of them have been my best friends ever since we met through mutual friends. They accepted me for who I was, and it was enough.
“Damn right, you do. And if somebody is treating you poorly, just tell me, and I’ll take care of it. I’m the master at putting boys in their place. Just ask Grace.”
“Oh, I know all about that.”
When Grace’s now boyfriend broke her heart and made her cry, it was Jade who kneed him in the balls to teach him a lesson.
“So, this thing with Sebastian… What are you going to do about it?”
Her question catches me off guard.
Was I supposed to do something about it? Did I even want to? I wasn’t sure I had an answer to either of those questions. Sebastian didn’t try to follow me after I left—not that I expected or wanted him to—so I figured he had given up.
Play for me, Birdy.
“I have no idea,” I tell her honestly, shrugging my shoulders. “It most likely won’t matter anyway. He probably already left Blairwood. If not, I doubt he’ll remember me tomorrow.”
Jade scoffs, “Then he’s an even bigger idiot than I thought him to be.”
I walk around the dark hallway, the constant buzzing in my ears the only companion as I look left and right, searching for a way out. My stomach tightens, the dread pooling inside of me with every step I take.
And then suddenly, the hallway is gone, and I’m standing in front of a hardwood door. My heartbeat kicks up a notch, and my mouth goes dry as I just stare at the door.
Something’s not right.
I can feel it deep down in my bones.
My hands clench and unclench by my side, my palms sweaty as I try to force myself to open the door and face whatever awaits me on the other end.
I take a step closer, my hand rising, but before I can even touch it, the door bursts open, and pale blue eyes meet mine, making me stumble back.
“It’s all your damn fault.”
I bolt upright, my heart hammering wildly in my chest as I take in the unfamiliar room. No, not unfamiliar, not completely, at least. The three-bedroom, two-bathroom apartment was my latest purchase and my current home for the unforeseeable future.
And, out of all the bedrooms, I ended up sleeping on the floor. Just great.
Leaning against the couch, I run my shaky hand over my face, pushing back my sweaty hair as I try to suppress the dream that’s been haunting my nightmares, but it’s pointless.
It’s all your damn fault.
The unforgiving accusation still rings in my head, making my whole body stiffen.
I’m not sure when I fell asleep. The last thing I remember was tossing yet another crumpled sheet of paper with empty words written on it as I tried to evoke that glimmer of inspiration I felt when I heard Penelope play the other day, but there was nothing.