Page 206 of Kiss Me Tenderly
I try to hide a wince at his loud tone. “Not really,” I lie. “But I just want to cover all my bases. Could you do that for me?”
I pull out my wallet, grab one of Brianna’s cards, along with a hundred-dollar bill, and hand it to him.
“Oh, you d-don’t… I mean, I can try to do it anyway.”
“It’s fine. Take it. And if somebody asks why you need it, make sure to point out Mr. Black will be highly inconvenienced if he doesn’t get the recording.”
The boy nods. “Sure thing, Mr. Black.”
“Thanks for jumping in to help us, Daniel.” I slap him over the shoulder. “And for taking care of my car.”
“Of course.”
With a nod, I go back to Penelope. She seems calm on the outside, but I can see her white knuckles as she grips Henry’s harness. The dog, on the other hand, is looking at the road intently, as if he’s waiting for another car to come rushing at us.
Penelope must hear my footsteps because she turns toward me.
“You ready to go home?”
She nods. “What were you doing?”
“I just wanted to make sure the guy was okay.”
The words leave a bitter taste on my tongue. It’s not a lie, but it also isn’t a complete truth. But I couldn’t tell her that I suspected the whole thing wasn’t as much an accident as it was a deliberate attack.
There was no sense in worrying her.
At least, not until I had some answers.
“C’mon,” I slide my hand around her waist. “Let’s get you home.”
The doorbell rings, making me look up from the brewing coffee. Not wanting Penelope to wake up, I go to the front door only to find two women that are the bane of my existence standing in the doorway.
“Oh, it’s you.”
Two matching brows rise in annoyance. “What kind of greeting is that?” Seraphina shoves me back and makes her way inside my house with Brianna at her heels.
“Come on in,” I mutter dryly, closing the door behind them.
“Thanks,” Seraphina yells from deeper inside the house. “Coffee! It’s like you were waiting for us.”
I curse silently and follow them into the kitchen. Sure enough, the coffee that I just freshly brewed for myself is all gone. And, of course, neither of them bothered to start a new batch.
“Why don’t you just help yourself?” Raising my hand, I pinch the bridge of my nose, trying to hold back my irritation. And the impending headache behind my temples.
“Oh, we will,” Seraphina chimes chipperly, flashing me a smile as she looks around. “Where is Penelope?”
Makes me wish I had stayed in bed too, but I was too restless to fall back asleep, my mind going over what happened last night over and over again. Did I overreact? Was the whole situation just a coincidence? Was it somebody losing control over their vehicle for one reason or another?
“Oh,” Sera coos. “Is that why you’re so cranky?”
“I’m cranky because you just stormed into my house this early and drank all my coffee.”