Page 209 of Kiss Me Tenderly
And who they were after.
“Why did he change direction at the very last moment?”
“You have a problem with being alive?” Seraphina asks, crossing her arms over her chest.
“I don’t have a problem with staying alive, but it makes no sense. If they planned to do it, why change direction at the last second when he could have easily crashed into us?”
“I don’t know, Bash. Maybe he had a change of heart? Maybe he was just toying with you? Maybe he’s motherfucking crazy.”
“Who’s crazy?” Penelope’s soft voice has us all turning toward the doorway.
Seraphina glares at me. “Bash is crazy, that’s who. I already told him he should have called the police when he got that stupid box.”
Penelope’s brows pull together in confusion. “What box?”
Cursing silently, I close my eyes for a second, pinching the bridge of my nose.
“You haven’t told her about the box?” Seraphina yells.
“It didn’t really come up in conversation, no.”
“I want to know about the box, too,” Brianna chimes in, crossing her arms over her chest as she watches me expectantly.
Great, now I had three women pissed at me.
Running my hand through my hair, I let it fall down as I tell them about the stupid box and then fill in Penelope about the video I just got.
“It seemed like a prank at the time. A sick, twisted prank, but a prank nonetheless.”
“But after last night…” Penelope’s words drift off as she visibly shakes.
“Hey.” Placing the coffee cup on the counter, I go to her, wrapping her in my arms. Penelope’s hands slip around my waist as she buries her head into my chest. “It’s fine. You’re fine.”
“I’m worried about you!” She pulls back, her hand holding onto my shirt for dear life. “Somebody obviously wants something, and…”
I cup her cheeks, brushing my mouth against hers. “Nothing will happen to me.”
“Of course, it won’t because we’ll be reporting this,” Brianna says immediately.
I open my mouth to protest, but three sets of eyes dare me to try.
“Fine,” I agree finally. Even I’m not that stupid to fight all of them on it.
“Wonderful. I’ll call you if I need you.” With that, she types something into her phone before turning on her heels and slipping into the hallway.
“What are you two lovebirds planning to do today?” Seraphina asks, changing the subject, which I’m thankful for. “Staying in bed until the awards show?”
I glance at the clock. “As tempting as that sounds, I actually had something different in mind.”
Penelope tilts her head to the side. “You did?”
“How about we go to the studio? I can show you around.”
Penelope’s whole face lights up, some of that worry that’s been clinging to her disappearing from her face. “Really?”
“Yes, really,” I let out a chuckle. “You wanna go?”
“What kind of question is that?”