Page 212 of Kiss Me Tenderly
Trying to reason with myself,
But then you crashed into me,
And everything changed…
I knew you were a bad idea
And I should stay away
Bad boys like you
Don’t belong with good girls, they said,
But I couldn’t stay away,
Something in you called to me
In a way I can’t explain
There is something so tempting,
In getting what you can’t have…
“Damn,” Roy whistles softly, his hand gripping the headphone closer to his head as if he wants to listen more carefully, immersing himself in the music.
I don’t blame him. I had the exact same reaction that first time I heard her play. She was the only thing that I could focus on, like a freaking drug, and I couldn’t get enough of her. I never wanted to get enough of her.
“You weren’t joking.”
“I never joke when it comes to music.”
And I was starting to realize that the same applies to the woman inside.
She bewitched me completely, and I was happy to stay that way if it meant I’d have her.
We listen to her play the song until the end, and when she hits that high note, legit chills spread over my arm, and I’m not the only one. The silence that follows after the last note rings in the air is almost deafening. Roy is just sitting there and staring at her through the glass like he’s seeing a fucking goddess.
“Was that okay?” Penelope asks, breaking the silence.
Roy presses a button on the board. “That was amazing, gorgeous.”
I bump him in the shin, drawing his attention to me. “Get your own girlfriend, asshole,” I mutter. “I let it slide that first time, but she’s mine.”
“Territorial much?”
I was, and I didn’t even feel bad about it. Penelope was everything I didn’t even realize I needed. Did I deserve her? Not in the slightest, but I wasn’t noble enough to let her go find somebody better. No, I was the type of guy who’ll play as dirty as necessary in order to keep the girl he wants. The girl he… loves.
It was so weird thinking these words. I never thought I’d find love, that I was capable of love. I never thought that I’d want it. But damn it, she made me want things I never thought possible. She made me want to settle down and try. If that was what she wanted. And I was starting to realize it was only the beginning. Because for this girl, I would do anything.
“Come out so you can hear yourself.”
“Is that really necessary?”
“Yes. C’mon, Birdy. Get that sweet ass out here.”
With a sigh, she pulls the headphones from her head and gets to her feet, giving Henry the command to take her to the door.