Page 216 of Kiss Me Tenderly
Both she and Sebastian seemed appalled when I told them I was expecting to be silently guided into the room, where I’d wait for Sebastian to join me. I don’t know why. This was about him, not me, and I was there to offer him support since I knew how hard this was for him after everything that had happened the last time he was in public.
But no.
They expected me to be there with him, standing by his side the whole time.
I wasn’t clueless. I knew how these shows went.
It was all about glamor and showing off. Everything that I was not.
I was just a girl from the small-town of Bluebonnet Creek, Texas. What the hell did I know about walking on the red carpet?
Absolutely nothing.
A loudsnapbreaks me out of my thoughts when Nancy closes whatever she’s been putting on my face. “Okay, all done.”
“Are you sure?” I ask, flexing my fingers nervously.
“Positive. Here’s the lipstick if you want to retouch when you go to the bathroom.”
And risk having it possibly smear over my teeth? Yeah, I think not.
Still, I take the lipstick from her, curling my fingers around the bottle. “Thank you.”
“Finally!” Sera says as the door bursts open. She called a makeup artist and hairdresser to come here so we could get ready, and she just left to put on her dress a little while ago. “We have just enough time to get you in your dress.”
I wince softly. “I don’t really think I have a dress appropriate for this.”
I did pack one dress that could pass if I was sneaking in and not garnering attention. God, this was such a bad idea.
“Of course you do. It was delivered this morning.”
I blink, unsure if I heard her correctly. “It was?”
“Duh!” she chuckles lightly. “Bash ordered it for you.”
My heart does a little flip at the news, excitement and nerves mixing together.
“He did?”
“Yeah, it’s here.”
I lift my hands when I feel a soft shift in the air in front of me, my fingers clasping around the dress.
I suck in a breath when I feel small beads sewn into the delicate material, like little scales covering the silky dress.
“What do you think? Do you like it? Apparently, Sebastian bought it the other day when you went to the mall.”
A smile spreads over my mouth as I clench the dress to my chest. I’m not in the least bit surprised by Seraphina’s words. That was such a Sebastian thing to do. Buy me a dress that he knew I’d be able to appreciate, although I can’t see it.
“I love it,” I say softly.
“Good, now let’s put it on and get you downstairs. He’s already pacing in the living room like a caged lion.”
I place the dress over my forearm and trace it with the other hand. The dress seems to be floor-length and tight-fitting, with a low back, and delicate ribbons crisscrossing over the back.
“Help me with it?”