Page 218 of Kiss Me Tenderly
A very wide, very empty doorway.
It feels like I’ve been waiting for days when it’s only been a few hours since she left the studio, but damn it, I missed her.
“Patience, perfection takes time.”
“Penelope is perfect just the way she is.” Brianna’s soft chuckle draws my attention to her. “What?”
“Nothing. It’s true. I just find it amusing with how obviously smitten you are.” Her expression softens. “It’s a good look on you.”
“You just say that because you like to see me squirm.” I tilt my chin at her. “Is there a reason why you’re still here?”
I watch as any amusement disappears from her face. “There is. The cops were here this morning. I explained the situation to them and gave them the recording of the incident at the restaurant along with your phone and the photos Seraphina took of that box you got at Blairwood. They promised to look into it and have more security at the event tonight.”
Her words make me pause. “You don’t think somebody would try something tonight, do you?”
“I don’t know, but after everything that has happened, I want to be cautious.”
My hand clenches into a fist by my side. I wanted to believe the cops would figure out who was behind this whole thing, but I knew better than to hope. I guess I’ll just have to be on guard tonight.
“Thanks, Bri.”
“No worries. I’ll see you tomorrow?”
I nod just as I hear the footsteps coming from the hallway. I turn around, but my smile falls almost immediately.
“You’re not Penelope,” I state the obvious.
“Aww,” Seraphina coos, the two women exchanging knowing glances as Brianna leaves the room. “Somebody has his panties in a twist.”
I glare at my soon-to-be-ex-best friend, but it only makes her red lips spread in an even wider smile. I expected Penelope to come with her, but apparently, there was still something that she needed to do before coming down. Seriously, why do girls take so damn long? She’s beautiful just the way she is. Why did she need the whole afternoon to get ready?
“Will you chill already? She’ll be down soon.”
“But what’s taking her so long?”
Maybe she changed her mind. Maybe I scared her by telling her I wanted her to be my date. Holding my hand on the red carpet and smiling for the cameras included. I wanted to show her off to the world. Show them that even a punk like me could find a good girl and settle down. But most of all, I wanted to be with her.
But maybe this wasn’t what she wanted after all. I wouldn’t blame her one bit if that were the case. God only knows how insane this lifestyle can be, and by inviting her to come with me, I was practically throwing her to the wolves. Because while I might be the star, coming with Penelope will make a statement. I knew everybody would be so focused on her, who she was, where she came from, and who she was to me. I hoped it would stop them from asking what happened with Christian.
More than that, I wanted her there.
Plain and simple.
I wanted her by my side.
I wanted to show her to the world and tell them that she’s mine.
I wanted to give her the world.
To show her just exactly what is out there, and how it could all be hers if she only dared to reach for it.
It was for my benefit as much as hers really because if she liked what she saw, she’d want to stay.
I want her to stay.
With me.
The sound of the heelsclickingsoftly against the marble snaps me out of my thoughts. My head jolts upright, and the moment she comes into view, it’s like all the air has been kicked out of my lungs.