Page 227 of Kiss Me Tenderly
Penelope pulls back, her tongue darting out and sliding over her puffy lower lip. I gently disentangle my fingers from her hair and help her get to her feet, but instead of having her sit next to me, I pull her on top of me, my mouth meeting hers.
“Did you like it?” she asks, tucking her head down to hide the color flooding her cheeks.
I slide my finger under her chin and lift her head, kissing her once again. “Loved it. And I’ll show you just how much in about five minutes.”
Penelope flashes me a smile. “I’ll hold you to that.”
“Why are you not getting ready?”
My fingers press against the keys, the note loudly echoing in the room as I turn around in surprise. “Brianna?”
“Who else would it be?” she huffs, irritated.
“Jesus, you scared me.”
“In my defense, I tried ringing the bell, but nobody answered, so I used my key.”
I wince softly, feeling guilty. “Sorry, I was playing.”
“I can see that.”
“Sebastian said it’s fine,” I say quickly, not wanting her to think I was snooping around while he’s gone. And he has been gone quite a bit in the past couple of days since he has to do some final checks and rehearsals for the concert today.
I offered to come with him, but he said it was all boring, and I should just stay here instead. So I did. There was homework I had to catch up on anyway, not that I would mind seeing the logistics of setting everything in place behind the stage.
“Oh, please. That thing was mostly for show, anyway. It’s gotten more use in the past week since you guys have been here.”
My cheeks heat as I remember just what kind of use the piano got, and not the playing kind. Not that there is any way she could have known that.
“But seriously, I need you to get ready so we can leave.”
“Fine,” I sigh, closing the piano and pushing to my feet. “Henry, let’s go to the bedroom.”
The dog joins me almost immediately from the spot where he was snoozing previously, and together we make our way upstairs.
“He’s so fascinating,” Brianna says once we get to the bedroom. “I’ve never seen a service dog work.”
“Oh, you should see him outside of the house. He really enjoys his job, and I got pretty lucky with him, right, baby?” I coo to Henry, petting him between the ears softly before I go to my suitcase, and rummage through the things inside until I find the dress I’d been looking for.
One of the last clean ones I have left. Thankfully tomorrow it was time to go back home, which I’m excited about. Although it was interesting to see Sebastian in his world, I was ready to get back to my normal, boring life.
My phone starts ringing with the familiar tune.
“You wanna get that?”
I wince softly. “I, umm… Not really.”
“Oh, okay.” There is a slight pause. “Did somebody get ahold of your phone number, and is bothering you?”
“What? No.”
“Because if it is, you’ll have to get a new number, most likely. Paparazzi are relentless like that; once they get a hold of something, they’re like a dog with a bone. And I’m afraid the fans aren’t any better.”
No, they weren’t.