Page 255 of Kiss Me Tenderly
Sebastian’s hand finds mine as we make our way up the stairs. “You ready to go home?”
“Yeah, I’m excited to see my family. It’s been a while. The better question is, areyouready to meet everybody?” I tease as I pull the key out of my bag and unlock my front door.
“I mean, they can’t hate me more than they already do, so…”
“They don’t hate you,” I protest, leaning down to let Henry out of his harness.
“I think your sister would disagree. After all, it was my fault you got shot.”
I turn around abruptly and jab my finger into his firm chest. “Stop that. What happened wasn’t your fault. And if I hear you say it one more time, I’ll smack your ass.”
“Smack my ass, huh?” Sebastian asks, and there is no mistaking his teasing tone. “Getting kinky, are we?”
“Oh, you know what I mean,” I shove him away and start to walk away, but Sebastian grabs my wrist, pulling me into him and lifting me in the air. “Sebastian!”
“You can’t give a man ideas and then not deliver, Birdy.”
“Put me down! You’re the only one who had crazy ideas, and the only idea in my head is what I’m going to pack so I don’t forget something in the process.”
“Mhmm… That’s not what you just said,” he murmurs, his lips brushing against the shell of my ear. “What would you do if I spanked your sweet ass, Birdy?”
My thighs clench at his words, warmth spreading through my belly. I shake my head,Get a grip, girl!
“If I forget something, it’ll be your fault.”
“Deal.” I can hear the door bang as he shoves it open, and the next thing I know, I’m bouncing off the mattress, Sebastian’s lean body joining mine on the bed as his mouth clasps over mine; any rational thought that I had evaporates with an expert swipe of his mouth. “That’s the risk I’ll gladly take.”
* * *
“I’m home!” Penelope yells as she enters the house, Henry casually walking next to her. I follow after the two of them, taking in the cozy space around me.
Penelope told me all about her family and their dynamics on our flight. I tried to take in as much as possible because I didn’t know what to expect.
The two-story house built next to a pond is big, but the space has a homey vibe. There are dirty shoes in the foyer, little knick-knacks on the side table by the door, and family photos decorating the walls.
Kate comes out of the kitchen, wiping her hands on a towel as she takes her sister in from head to toe. “Look who finally decided to show up.”
“You know I wouldn’t miss it,” Penelope says as she goes straight to her sister, pulling her into a hug.
“With all the secrets you’ve been keeping lately, I wasn’t so sure,” Kate says, her eyes meeting mine over Penelope’s shoulder. “Bash.”
Her tone is even, and I can see the distrust in her eyes as she watches me, but I only nod. “Kate, thanks for having me.”
“Well, Penelope didn’t leave us much of a choice.”
Penelope pinches her sister’s side. “Be nice!”
“I’m always nice.”
“That’s a lie, and we all know it.”
“True, when it comes to Penelope, she’s like a lioness ready to pounce,” Emmett comments, joining our conversation. He tips his chin at the suitcases next to me. “Need help with those?”
I shake my head. “Just directions where to take them.”
Emmett smirks at me knowingly but doesn’t comment. “Come, I’ll show you.”