Page 261 of Kiss Me Tenderly
“Yeah,” I rasp out, pushing the dark thoughts back. “I’m here for the wedding.”
“Sweet. Although I’m not surprised. You and Santiago have always been glued together.”
“That’s right.” I take a sip of my drink, savoring the burn of the whiskey as I contemplate how to get out of here.
If Lucas notices my reluctance, he chooses to ignore it and simply continues, “I never thought I’d see you here, though. How long has it been since you’ve been home?”
“A while,” I shrug. “I’ve been busy.”
“Playing professional football.” He slaps me on the shoulder, and I must make a face, because he turns serious instantly. “Shit, is that the shoulder you injured?”
I force out a smile. “It’s fine. The shoulder has healed.”
I was still going to PT and there was still some pain when I went overboard, but for the most part, I didn’t lie when I said I was fine.
“That’s good, dude. I can’t wait to see you back on that field. You had an amazing year, I even think the Lonestars could go all the way this time around.”
“We’ll see about that,” I say non-committedly, and rush to change the subject. “What have you been up to?”
“Oh, nothing much.” He lifts his hand, signaling Mick for a refill. “Been running my pop’s construction business for the last couple of years since he retired. What can I get’cha to drink?”
I shake my head. “I’m good, thanks.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah, I have to drive to my parent’s place.”
The last thing I needed was to get home smelling of alcohol.
“So what’s new around here?” I ask, turning around in my seat. “You married?”
“Nah, but there is a girl over in Merrywill. We’ve been seeing each other for a few months.”
“That’s good, man.”
My eyes scan the space taking everybody in. I vaguely remember some guys that worked on the ranch, and I’m pretty sure that’s old Mr. Lopez sitting there in the corner.
“Not as good as the dating pool is in Austin I’m sure.”
The words die on my lips when my eyes connect to a familiar pair of hazel eyes, and it’s like I’ve been run down by a train.
All the air is sucked out of my lungs, the noises turning into a dull murmur.
I’m sure why I’m so surprised.
I knew she’s still here. It was the main reason why we could never work out. I had to leave, and she insisted she had to stay.
I knew I’d have to see her sooner rather than later, but I never imagined it’d be this soon.
But with my luck, is it really surprising?
I just stare at her, completely transfixed.
Three years.