Page 55 of Kiss Me Tenderly
I know what you did, and you’ll pay for it.
Just thinking about it has the sweat breaking out on my skin. Somebody laughs loudly, stopping me from going down that rabbit hole again.
I lift my hand, pinching the bridge of my nose.
Maybe I should go home and crash for the day. I have another class later, but it’s not like anybody is going to miss me anyway.
“Bash!” the high-pitched, somewhat familiar voice breaks through, making my back stiffen.
I contemplate running away for a split second, pretending like I haven’t heard her, but it’d probably do more damage than good. I glance over my shoulder to find a dark-haired girl coming toward me with a big smile on her lips. Thankfully, nobody else seems to pay us any attention, so I relax a smidge, returning my attention to the girl.
Rose? Daisy? Lily? No, it was something similar. Definitely flowery, though. Lilac, maybe?
“I’m so glad that I caught up to you!” she says cheerily, her obnoxiously loud voice making a stab of pain shoot through my skull.
Well, that makes one of us.
She obviously doesn’t expect me to answer because she just continues. “How are you liking Blairwood? If you need any help figuring things out, I’d be more than happy to show you around.”
She closes her mouth, her tongue darting over her lips, so I use this moment to quickly chime in, “Umm… I think I’m good. Thanks.”
“That’s amazing! Who would have thought that somebody as famous as you would be joining us here? I bet all the professors are excited to have such a talented artist join their class. Although, I’m not sure why you’d want to do that. I’d imagine that you know everything there is to know about music.”
“Well, you can always learn more,” I force out a smile as I look around, searching for a way out. I’m about to give up when a flash of gold under the bright sunlight catches my attention.
I suck in a breath as my gaze locks on her. She’s exiting the café, and some guy is holding the door open for her. She smiles at him, her lips moving as she most likely thanks him, and the guy looks so dumbstruck, you’d think a semi just crashed into him.
Not that I can blame him. I’m all the way across the street, and I’m a little bit dumbstruck myself. That is just the influence she has on people. Even my black heart was unable to resist the pull of her innocence.
Henry comes to a stop, and Penelope gives him a command before they continue on their way.
A hand touches my shoulder, snapping me out of my thoughts. “Bash?”
I give my head a small shake. “Sorry, I just remembered I have to do something.”
Not giving her a chance to ask any more questions or try to stop me, I shrug out of her hold and cross the street, hurrying after Birdy, who’s just turning the corner.
Not missing a beat, I shift to a run. Each time my feet touch the ground, it’s like somebody is hitting my brain with a sledgehammer, but I grit my teeth and push through.
“Birdy!” I call out the moment I catch sight of her.
Her steps falter for just a moment, signaling that she heard me just fine, but she chooses to ignore me and continues walking.
What the hell?
Pushing myself harder, I quickly close the distance between us. “I thought we moved past this, Birdy,” I say the moment I catch up to her, panting hard.
“Past what?”
“You ignoring me?”
“Oh, that.” She shrugs nonchalantly. “We did, but I’m in a hurry, and I knew you’d most likely follow anyway.”
I blink a few times, unsure if I heard her correctly. “So you just let me run after you?”