Page 84 of Kiss Me Tenderly
I missed the little nugget. Although Kate sent me a few videos, and I could hear Kaylee make noises as she babbles to herself, it wasn’t the same as when I was home, and I could hold and snuggle her. I could hardly believe that she was going to be one soon.
“Your favorite niece just puked her dinner all over me after struggling to eat in the first place. I might have been crying along with her when Emmett got home, so he took Kaylee from me and sent me to the bathroom to wash up. She’s been sickish for the past couple of days, and I’m just wiped.”
“Oh, no. What’s wrong?”
“She’s been slightly feverish and moody. Maybe she caught a bug. And since Emmett’s been working his ass off on the ranch, I’ve tried to give him some time to rest. But after almost no sleep in the last couple of days, I guess I just snapped.”
“Then why are you talking to me and not sleeping? You should try and get some rest.”
“Because I was feeling shitty and wanted to talk to my little sister. I miss you, Pens.”
My chest clenches at the sound of longing in my sister’s voice. It’s been two years since we were separated by half of the country, and we got used to spending all of our time together. It was always the two of us against the world.
“Miss you more, Kate.”
“How have you been doing? Are you still out? I can hear traffic.”
“Yeah, I was at work. I just finished, actually.”
“At work?” she repeats, the confusion evident in her tone. “Why would you work?”
I guess here goes nothing. “Well, it’s not technically workwork.I decided to volunteer at the dog shelter this year. Get some experience before I finish college.”
“I know, but wouldn’t it be better if you focused on studying?”
“All I ever do is study, Kate,” I sigh. “I wanted to do something different this year.”
My sister’s voice turns gentler. “I know you do. I just get worried about you. Do you like it? Do they treat you nicely?”
“I love it. What is there not to like about working with animals? They just need water, food, and somebody to play with. And yes, Angie, the manager, is really nice.”
“I’m glad you like it there,” Kate says softly.
“I do.” I bite the inside of my cheek. “You know, I’m a big girl, Kate. You don’t have to worry about me all the time.”
Kate was de facto the person who raised me. With our mom constantly working or going to auditions—that is, if she wasn’t with her boy of the month—she had little to no interest in the two of us. So it’s been Kate and me for as long as I can remember.
“You’re my little sister. I’llalwaysworry about you. Is there anything else exciting happening at Blairwood?”
I remember the feel of Sebastian’s warm, hard body pressed against mine. The bite of the cold night air as we sped down the highway. His scent surrounded me as he wrapped his arms around me to help throw that ax.
Him sitting next to me when we’re in the music room.
Him walking by my side.
Heat rises up my cheeks as more memories flood me. Even when he wasn’t with me, I couldn’t get him out of my head.
“Penny? You still there?”
“Yes, sorry, just got lost in my head.”
“So thereissomething going on?”
“No!” I say quickly, my voice coming out louder than intended.
“You sure?” Kate chuckles softly.