Page 48 of So Lost
“That would be the logical thing to do,” Michael agreed. “Take his time, figure out a plan, then go after his victims when he knew he had the chance to get away with it.”
“Or to get it done,” Faith said. “It might be more important to him to kill the people he sees as responsible for the girl’s death than to keep his freedom after it’s done.”
“So he wants the lawyer because obviously he’s the guy who hit the girl,” Michael said, “but why the paramedic and the doctor? They worked their asses off to save her.”
“He might not see it that way. If he’s a loved one, and I think it’s safe to assume he is, then he would have blinders on. He wouldn’t see a hospital full of people at death’s door, he’d see his loved one and wonder why the doctor wasn’t doing everything she could to save her. He would see her quick thinking and her likely decision to leave the nurses in charge of providing care as treating his loved one as unimportant.”
“And he might think the paramedics weren’t moving quickly enough,” Michael agreed.
“Or he might just be upset that someone so valuable to him could be lost and be offended that the paramedics weren’t as emotionally affected by it.”
Michael nodded. “That’s crazy, but so is burying people alive. It’s worth looking into.”
“It’s all wehaveto look into right now,” Faith said. “At least until Clark gets back to me.”
“You called Gordon?” Michael asked, lifting an eyebrow.
“Yeah, I left him a message last night,” Faith said. “I just wanted to ask for some help since I haven’t gotten anywhere. Sincewehaven’t gotten anywhere.”
“Youasked forhelp?”
Faith rolled her eyes. “All right, all right.”
“Shit, I’m running to the gas station at the corner and buying my lottery tickets,” Michael said. “Faith Bold intentionally asking for help on a case. I never thought I’d see the day.”
Faith swiped playfully at him, and he parried the blow, laughing. “Yeah, yeah, yuk it up,” she said, grinning. “I’m growing, all right?”
“Did Dr. West encourage you to seek help from those around you?” Michael teased.
“Hey, it was your idea for me to go see a therapist to begin with,” Faith said, “so don’t be surprised when it actually pays off.”
“I’m not surprised that it’s paying off,” Michael replied. “Iama little surprised that you took my advice in the first place.”
“Look at you, trying to take credit for my growth again,” Faith said.
“Hey, everyone thinks I’m just your wingman anyway,” Michael said. “Might as well own up to it and take credit for your resurgence.”
“Oh, whatever,” Faith said, rolling her eyes again.
Michael laughed once more, then returned to the case. “All right, so we need to know who the victim was in the car accident. The wife doesn’t know, and I think we can assume the kid won’t say. I doubt the secretary at his office knows, so how do we find out?”
“I’ll call Missy,” Faith said. “She can look into police records and find it for us.”
She dialed the detective, and Missy answered on the first ring. “Hello?”
Her voice seemed a little sleepy, and Faith realized that the sun had just risen. “Sorry, did I wake you?”
“Doesn’t matter,” Missy replied, and now she was fully alert. “What do you have for me?”
“We have a new lead,” Faith replied.
“What is it?”
Faith explained the conversation she and Michael had just had. After she finished, Missy said, “You want me to look up the other party in the accident?”
“Yes, please,” Faith said, “specifically next of kin. Husband, boyfriend, brother, father, son—anyone who might hold a grudge against the people involved.”
“I’ll call you right back.”