Page 3 of OutFoxed
“Harmon, shoo. I can manage this.” She was clearing up the pink and blue sparkles while he was managing the red.
“I do not shoo.”
“Fine. At least tell your driver that you are preoccupied with the remains of a toddler’s tantrums.”
He nodded and pulled out his phone, sending a text. “There. Happy?”
She got the hand vacs and handed him one. “Yes. You suck.”
He chortled, and they vacuumed up the glitter with the heavy filters that she saved for this kind of disaster. It took them ten minutes, but they got most of the glitter up and disposed of in a giant bucket of miscellaneous sparkles.
They washed the sparkles off their hands.
A second car pulled up behind Harmon’s, and the teen got a text. He smiled. “There is someone who wants to speak with you.”
She blinked. “What?”
“Well, I told you my uncle was a healer but is very mated. So, he went looking for other healers because I asked him to. That is one of them there.”
“One of them?” Her heart started thudding. “How many are there?”
“Dunno. Two?”
“Too many.”
“Uncle said that with extensive damage if you want it healed right, you will need more than one. One to remove the scars and one to help rebuild bits that only ladies have.”
“Just stop with the details. If anyone listens to the audio of the CCTV, I am going to be fired anyway. As careful as I was, it was just too far over the line. It sounds like flirting if you’re a pervert.”
He nodded. “Right. Yeah, I forget about the cameras. Well, are you good here?”
“Yup. Thanks for the help.”
He grabbed his bag and nodded. “Just walk up to the car when you leave. You don’t have to give in to anything. But there is a chance you can live normally. Well, for an omega.”
Ula nodded. “Thanks for your attempts to help.”
“No problem.”
Harmon nodded to her and headed out. She followed him to the door as always and pulled the door closed behind him as she went to finish up.
She glanced out the window to see the dark car was sitting and waiting for her. She could see her car just beyond it and grimaced as she finished tidying up and setting out work sheets for the next day.
She laughed as she got her bag and calculated how long it would be before she was fired. She knew it wasn’t going to be long. She was authorized to work as a defunct omega, but that authorization would end the moment that her genitals were open for business, so to speak.
She turned the lights off and left the building, making sure that it was secure before turning and glancing at the car as she walked toward her own vehicle. The driver’s door of the car swung open, and a man with sunglasses and long dark-red hair emerged. He beckoned to her with two fingers, and she gritted her teeth at the arrogant summons and slowly approached his car.
“Alpha Delun called me and said you have a medical issue that needs tending to?”
Ula flinched. “That sums it up. What kind of healing can you manage?”
He smirked. “Whatever you need.”
She looked at him and said, “I had third-degree burns over my sex and rectal area. Anywhere that could grow hair had the skin and some fat boiled off. An alpha wanted me ready for a date and sent me to a salon he dealt with. Too often. One of the waxers was an ex of his and decided to make sure that I couldn’t do anything with him. So, first, she poured boiling wax on me, and then she ripped all my skin off.”
His smirk died, and he paled.