Page 47 of OutFoxed
“And for that, she gets very nice holiday presents.”
Libby fought her grin as they returned to the conference room where the snacks and coffee were being devoured. His team immediately grinned and came over to tell him that the projects were a go. Libby melted away from him and eased back toward the door.
* * * *
Altar watched Libby escape and sighed. That gal was determined to be single even when the alterations in her body screamed that she needed an alpha.
Elias walked over to Altar and said, “You said she was reluctant; you did not mention her ninja skills.”
“She is not the kind to be swept off her feet. She’s a slow and steady dance to courtship.”
Elias looked at the corner chair that carried Libby’s scent. “I can do slow. I won’t make a move before we complete the projects.”
“I will let her know. She hates being pursued, which makes her aggressive, but she loves kids, though don’t point that out.”
“Despite appearances, I am not an idiot.”
Altar nodded. “She is not an omega. Not specifically, but she is an enhanced beta. When she wants you to know what she is, you will.”
“When we have the right moment, and if she wants to know about me, I will definitely trot my beast out.”
“I didn’t know he trotted.”
Elias chuckled. “Special occasions only.”
“Well, these projects are slated to be completed over the next six months, so let’s hope you can make the five official hours a week count.”
“Five hours?” He raised his brows.
“She negotiated for only five hours per week for this project. The rest of the time, she will remain as the personal assistant to Merry and Ula, the two ladies you saw at lunch.”
“She’s clever.”
“She is. Tough, too.”
Altar watched him process that as he nodded. He looked at her and said, “Well, Ms. Bright, when can our collaboration meet again?”
Altar smiled. “Check our scheduler. One floor up. It’s a secure floor, so you can use this keycard.” She held it out between her fingertips. He took it from her with a smile.
“So, you are in favour of a relationship?”
“Yes. Her family is also in agreement.”
“You are close with her family?”
“Oh, yes. They pelt her with guy after guy, trying to get her to find someone to marry. She dodges each one of them. I have high hopes for you, Elias. No pun intended.”
He smiled and shrugged. “Out of all the women I have been introduced to, she is the one that smells right. Really right. But I can wait, and I think courtship will be fun. My mother will also approve.”
“She already does. I won’t say this is a conspiracy, but your mother and I have compared notes at length, and Libby is a very good match.” Altar smiled.
He looked down at the card in his palm. “We will see.”
He got a document pack, checked it, nodded, and headed out the door.
Altar crossed her fingers. If this worked, it was one more couple off her list.
* * * *