Page 16 of Unsure in Love
My jaw tightened, but I kept my cool. “Yeah, so you said last night.”
“Damian, you’re a nice guy.”
I laughed because the irony was hilarious. I’d used that line on many women too—you’re a nice girl. Next line was going to be: it’s not you, it’s me. Karma had definitely bitten me in the ass. Hard.
“What’s so funny?” she asked.
“Nothing. I get it. You’re not interested.” Rejection wasn’t something I was afraid of. Though I was disappointed and a little annoyed because I’d never met anyone like Cass, I embraced it. “Take care of yourself, Cassandra.”
I walked away, pride wounded. The one woman I felt something for that went beyond surface level—after one night—just metaphorically kicked me in the balls. It would take me a while to recover. I knew she would haunt me for a while. Cassandra Bennet was fucking unforgettable.
“Cass, you’ve been quiet. Are you okay?” Lucy studied me with a frown.
I snorted. “What? I just teased you about emerging from your castle of domestic bliss to slum it with your single sisters. How have I been quiet?”
“Okay, not quiet,” she corrected. “Less sassy than usual.”
I suppose she was right. It was just hard being in the same room with my sisters without feeling guilty. I really should tell them what I’d started months ago, but I couldn’t get the words out. I’d never been a coward... until now.
Before I commented, April pointed out. “We’re not all single.”
“Oh, God,” Ruby, the youngest, heaved a sigh. “We know. You’ve got a man. Please, don’t start with the speech about love.”
I felt the effect of Ruby’s dramatic eye roll even though she was miles away in Chicago. Snickering, I shoved a tortilla chip slathered with peach yogurt into my mouth. Tessa noticed my weird combination of snacks. Her nose wrinkled, and she regarded me with curiosity.
Chewing slowly, I averted my gaze. I’d been having the strangest cravings. Last week, it was pickles dipped in peanut butter. The kid growing in my belly had a peculiar appetite. I prayed Tessa wouldn't comment and draw the others’ attention because I still couldn’t bring myself to tell them I was preggers. If I could hide for a while longer, I figured, then why not?
Luckily, Tessa lost interest. Grinning, she glanced at Ruby on the phone screen. “We’re sick and tired of the speech.”
“And when Tessa is sick and tired, that’s when you know you’ve gone too far,” I chimed in.
“Because she’s an angel,” Ruby and I chorused.
Tessa rolled her eyes at that. Of course, she’d be modest about being the sweetest human on Earth.
Head resting on her hand, Lucy looked around at all of us and smiled. “I love this. Us spending time together. I wish we could do it every day. It’s the best. I love you girls so much.” She sniffed and wiped her eyes.
Everyone got quiet and turned to look at her. Ruby leaned forward. She was so close to her phone that half of her face disappeared from the screen. “Is she crying?”
Lucy was never overly emotional. She was unflappable and logical. She was our rock. Whoever caused her tears, they had me to deal with. I’d give them hell. My instinct to fight for my family kicked in full force.
“Luce, are you alright?” I asked.
Shaking her head, she chuckled. “Of course. I’m fine. Sorry, you guys. I’ve been bursting into tears at random moments lately. I feel so sorry for poor Nic.” She sat taller and sniffed again. “I guess now is a great time to break the news.”
April, the nurse, gasped. Her gaze swiveled from Lucy’s untouched margarita to her stomach. She squealed. “No way!”
“Yes, way.” Lucy beamed. “We’re having a baby.”
“We’re having a baby?” Ruby pulled in a breath. “Oh, my gosh! We’re having a baby.”
Tessa bounced up and down and laughed. “Ruby, Lucy is having the baby, you nut job.”