Page 38 of Unsure in Love
I held him tight, liking how his larger frame shuddered against me. The intense pleasure he seemed to get from my body was satisfying. I wanted him to need me like this… in and out of bed. I’d never desired the things I felt when I was with Damian, and it scared me. The longer we were in each other's lives, the bigger the risk of heartbreak.
* * *
I woke up to a delicious smell that made me wonder if Damian had a bakery in his apartment. Rolling over, I discovered I was alone in bed. A moment later, the amazing feeling of after-sex bliss and falling asleep in a strong pair of arms vanished and then came the panic.
Sitting up, sheet held against my chest, I surveyed the room. In the morning light, it was even more beautiful than last night.
“Wow,” I breathed, taking in the contemporary decor. “This place is beautiful.”
I hadn’t noticed last night, but it looked to be expertly decorated. Unless Damian moonlighted as an interior decorator, he must have paid a pretty penny to have the place done.
I gazed out the window where one of the heavy drapes was drawn to let in just the right amount of light. I saw the tops of buildings and clouds as if I was suspended in the sky. Already, I was thinking of putting this image on a canvas. What a sight to wake up to first thing in the morning. Damian’s face would have been a better picture though.
Sliding out of bed and from under the most luxurious sheets I’ve ever felt, I padded on the rug to the window to better admire the scenery. My nose and palms were pressed against the glass like a kid looking into a candy store. “Oh, my gosh. This is incredible.”
“Enjoying the view?”
Gasping, I spun around and clutched my chest. “Damian!”
He lifted an eyebrow and smirked. “Expecting someone else?” He was dressed in a suit minus the jacket, and his tie hung loose around his neck. “Let me get your clothes,” he said. “My housekeeper came in early and did laundry.”
“Oh, God, you mean she came in here and saw me sprawled in your bed?”
“No.” Damian walked to a door and opened it, revealing a closet. It was bigger than my bedroom, for goodness’ sake. He emerged with my folded jeans and t-shit.
I tried harder to cover myself. “Is she still here? I don’t want a stranger seeing me in all my naked glory.”
“And glorious you are,” he murmured, giving me a heated look that almost made me catch fire. “Relax, she left. I gave her the day off. I figured you’d prefer to not see a strange face when you woke up.” He handed me my clothes. My panties on the top of the pile made my face get hotter. “But she made breakfast before she left.”
Gazing at my clean clothes, I smiled. “That’s why it smells like a pastry paradise here.”
“Gracie is an amazing cook.”
“Oh. So you like Gracie a lot?”
“Uh-huh. She’s the best.”
Thinking about his housekeeper being some young, hot thing in a short French maid outfit disturbed me way too much. I had to swallow the jealousy threatening to surface. “I see.” My gaze skated away from his because I was embarrassed to have automatically conjured that picture of his housekeeper. It was silly.
“You’re welcome to shower,” he pointed to the bathroom.
“Thanks,” I grumbled. I glanced at the clock on one of the nightstands. It was almost ten. “I can’t believe I slept so late.” In a strange apartment, no less. It was amazing how comfortable I’d felt in Damian’s arms.
“You slept like a log. I was worried you were comatose for a while there.”
With my clothes in front of me like a shield, I backed toward the master bathroom that I’d gotten to admire last night. “I haven’t been sleeping much lately. I was exhausted.”
“Why haven’t you been sleeping?”
Because I had been keeping secrets from my family, from you…
But at least one of my secrets was out in the open. He knew about the baby, and he hadn’t run away screaming so that took some of the pressure off my shoulders.
Damian stood with his hands in his pockets, head tilted, seemingly way too interested in my answer, in me. I didn’t like it. I supposed most women loved having a man's full attention but not me in this case.
“None of your business,” I blurted. Blowing out a breath, I gave myself a mental kick in the ass. Damian must have thought I was the queen of all bitches and that made me feel horrible.
His lips quirked, and his eyes flashed with amusement. “Of course. I’ll see you in the kitchen.” He turned and headed to the door.