Page 59 of Unsure in Love
“Actually, I pursued you.” She smiled.
I laughed. “And I enjoyed every minute.”
I held her gaze because I couldn’t look away. It might be wishful thinking, but I swore I saw another piece of her wall crumble.
“We’re having a boy,” I whispered, staring at the ultrasound monitor. The obstetrician made the announcement a moment ago after Damian and I agreed we wanted to know. Before, when I was struggling with adjusting to the idea of being a mother, I decided to wait a bit… maybe until birth. But with Damian beside me, I wanted to know. I wanted him to know. I watched the gray image on the screen in awe.
I couldn’t make out the picture all that well, but he looked perfect. Damian gazed at the screen seemingly enraptured. He hadn’t even blinked. I’d unconsciously slid my hand into his and the only indication that he heard me was his fingers tightening around mine.
“That’s right, a perfect little boy,” the doctor chirped. Dr. Patricia Glave, who I’d met this afternoon, smiled. I was skeptical about going through with my check-up in New York with a doctor I didn’t know, but the visit went off without a hitch. She was sweet and made me feel comfortable. Or maybe it was Damian by my side that made me feel so at ease.
I turned to look at him. As if he felt my eyes on him, his gaze swiveled to me. His smile turned my heart into a puddle. If I had any doubt about him accepting our child, it was completely gone now. Delight and amazement were stamped on his face.
“We’re having a boy,” he repeated. “That’s…” He swallowed and blew out a breath. “Incredible. Although gender doesn’t matter to me.”
Dr. Glave beamed. “You two are such a cute couple,” she cooed.
I glanced at the older woman. “Oh, we’re—”
“Thanks,” Damian said.
I rolled my eyes at his smug smirk but a smile tugged at my lips.
Dr. Glave missed our little exchange because she turned back to stare at the monitor. “Everything looks great, Cassandra,” she said. “I’ll send everything over to your regular obstetrician as requested.”
“Thank you.”
A few minutes later, after a question and answer session where Damian threw a dozen questions at her, Dr. Glave left.
Damian helped me up, and I smiled my thanks. As I adjusted my top, a wave of emotion rose out of nowhere. My lips quivered and my voice shook when I tried to express my gratitude. “Thank you for arranging everything and for coming with me.”
“You don’t have to thank me.”
I shook my head. “No, I do.” My voice shook again, and I cleared my throat. “You didn’t have to support me, considering how things happened.”
“Just let me finish, please.” I gazed up at him, no longer caring that tears were right at the surface. “You didn’t have to accept this baby. Even if you think you have to do it out of a sense of duty because you’re a good man, I can tell you genuinely want to support me.” I gave him a shaky smile. “I’m grateful. You’ve been… amazing. I’m really glad I stayed with you longer.”
Dealing with everything alone back home left me drained most of the time. Having Damian’s help was a huge load off my shoulders. “Your support helped me to start enjoying my pregnancy.”
His eyebrows drew together, and I explained, “Before, I was too anxious to enjoy something that’s supposed to be a pleasant experience. I was so miserable at first, so scared.” My hormones were on a rampage, and I expressed myself like I never had before. Surprisingly, I wasn’t embarrassed this time. It felt good to talk. “But knowing I’ll have you at my side during this journey, I’m not terrified anymore. I can enjoy the process.”
He exhaled softly and pulled me into an embrace. “I wish you hadn't been robbed of an incredible experience.”
“I wish you hadn’t been robbed either,” I said regretfully, “but we have time left.” I sniffed and wiped away a tear when he released me. Another apology for keeping him in the dark for so long was on the tip of my tongue, but I didn’t get to verbalize it.
“What matters is that we’re here now.” His thumb brushed my cheek, wiping away another tear. “Together.”
Together. The idea of us didn’t carry the usual weight of skepticism anymore.
* * *
One of my legs bounced while my fingers drummed out a fast rhythm on the other.