Page 38 of Falling for Mindy
She settled back in the chair, looking a little hurt and confused. She took out her phone and handed it to me.
“I got these messages,” she said softly.
I took the phone from her and within seconds, my vision went red with rage.
Kyle’s face changed. His eyes darkened and his expression was intense, a little intimidating even though I knew his fury wasn’t targeted at me.
I came to his office not knowing what else to do, scared and feeling sort of stupid for sharing my personal number when he’d warned me not to do that. I was kicking myself for going blithely and naively into a situation that was way out of my league. This was, I suppose, what a mentor was for. To give advice when you fuck up in your internship. My fear overrode the embarrassment I felt at making such a rookie mistake. I knew I needed help, that I couldn’t keep this kind of threat a secret to shield my pride.
“I know I shouldn’t have given her my number. It was stupid,” I began.
“No,” he snapped, his voice harsh, “You’re not the bad guy. This asshole is.”
He scrolled down and I knew what he was seeing. First, the message I knew was from Alicia’s ex: WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE? I KNOW U KNOW.
That told me she had taken off and left her phone behind. That he had found her, found the phone, found my texts and contacted me.
Last, the message that had brought me to Kyle’s door. A picture. No words. Just a photo of the outside of my apartment building. I was shaking just thinking about it. I felt sick.
“Have you called the police yet?” Kyle demanded.
“No. I came straight here,” I said.
“Call them now,” he said, handing me my phone.
I dialed, and they transferred me to someone who could take the report. I gave them the details and emailed them a screenshot of the messages. Kyle stayed beside me the whole time, patient and steady, like a barricade standing between me and the outside world that could harm me. The officer took my number and advised me not to go back to the apartment.
“I’m calling Katie,” I told him. “She’s in the studio working on her installation for visual arts today, but she’ll answer. The cops told me not to go home, and I don’t want her going there either.”
When I filled Katie in, she wanted to come get me immediately. “Go to Mom and Dad’s,” I told her. “Stay there. I’ll let you know when they find this guy and we can go back to the apartment. Don’t even go get your stuff.”
“Come with me,” she said. “We’ll go stay at home and when it’s all over we’ll come back.”
“No.” I said firmly. “I don’t want to lead this psycho to our parents’ house. He’s figured out who I am and somehow knows where I live. So I’m not putting you guys in danger. I’m telling Mom that they have to fumigate the building so you’re taking a few days to come home and I’m going to stay with a friend because I can’t miss my internship.”
“Where will you go?” she asked. “I wish you’d come with me.”
“I can go to a hotel. I’ll put do not disturb sign on the room. They won’t let anyone through,” I assured her. She agreed reluctantly and hung up.
“You’re not going to a hotel,” Kyle said. “You’re coming home with me.”
I looked up at him. I hadn’t known what to do. I was scared and just trying to be satisfied that I got Katie out of harm’s way. And then he spoke up and said he was going to take care of me. I sagged with relief. This was exactly what I needed. I needed to be with him. I felt safer and saner just being near him.
If she thinks I’m letting her out of my sight, she’s wrong.
Despite the fact that I couldn’t believe I’d just stood there and told her she was staying with me, I meant it. There was no other solution. I had to keep her safe myself.
“I couldn’t do that,” she said.