Page 14 of Cold As Ice
I’m not going to lie. It took everything I had in me to physically restrain myself to not grab hold of her arm and hold her right there at my side.
As I watched her walk away, I knew one thing for sure – Gabby didn’t walk in a sultry way to gain attention. She didn’t fucking have to because she already had it.
In spades.
Feeling my phone vibrate in my kutte, I pulled it out and watched as one of the cameras in my wife’s bedroom alerted me that there was movement.
Pressing record on my phone, I watched for a split second as a man walked behind her, stripping his clothes.
On that, I shut the program down, knowing full well that it would continue to record what was going on.
Taking a sip from my beer, I noticed a woman that I had seen earlier was now walking over to me, and she… well, let’s just say that one look at her, and you knew she was a club girl. Not the same with Gabby. Far from it.
“Hi, Pipe, I’m Lizette. We haven’t met yet, but I wanted to let you know, if you ever want to feel my body beneath yours, I am game.” As she said that she ran her hand up her chest and ran circles over one of the hardened nipples that were peeking out through her t-shirt.
I shook my head and stepped away from her because her scent invaded my nostrils and I wanted to puke. “I’m married,” I told her and stepped around her to make the rounds.
Seeing that Gabby was sitting with some ole’ ladies and laughing with them, well, that surprised me.
Normally, ole’ ladies don’t converse with club girls like that. But I knew most of the women of Wrath MC did. They were a different breed.
I was headed towards the table where Knox, Garret, York, and Cotton were gathered, which was at the table right beside theirs when Fiona jumped up and ran over to me.
Smiling, I opened my arms for her and the moment she was in them she hugged me tightly.
Glancing over her head, I looked at Knox and received a chin lift.
He didn’t let many people hug his wife.
But he allowed me because of an incident involving his son a year or so ago.
Some stupid punk thought it would be funny to tackle him and somehow take his prosthetic from him.
I had been in the area, and they had been on a run.
I still didn’t know why they had called me, because after I finished beating the dog shit out of the guy who had done it, Knox’s daughters, Kiiri and Kynnydee had rushed over and delivered their own brand of an ass-kicking.
Normally, when you stick up for a kid, they rebel against you. But not Kase.
No, after I had handed him his prosthetic back, and he put it back on, he offered me his hand. Then he pulled Kynnydee and Kiiri off the guy, gently mind you, and then he swung one arm. The sound of his fist crushing the guy's windpipe. Well, that was a sound one never forgot.
The cops had been called, and a paramedic was rushing over when Kase called out, “Crushed windpipe.”
“Thank you for what you did for my son,” Fiona said again. This happens every single time she sees me.
“Think nothing of it.” I hadn’t realized that she had pulled away and had looked to where my eyes were aimed at.
“Ahh, Gabby.”
Lowering my voice, I asked, “You know her?”
She nodded, “She’s a sweetheart. The first time we met her, she ignored our men, took in our kuttes, and held out her hand. She told us her name and said she would never come on to any of our men because they were taken. She didn’t want us to ever worry about her if our men were on a run and they stopped here. She’s a keeper. That’s for sure. I know most club girls never get claimed, but she’s one of the ones I wish that would.”
And that single statement was the start of my complete fascination for the woman.
I smiled when Fiona winked at me and then walked over to the ladies and then said something to them. Each woman nodded, going to their men, which opened a seat right beside Gabby.
Was I going to waste my chance of getting closer to her?