Page 39 of Cold As Ice
Shutting off the bike, I rolled it to a spot in front of the three-car garage.
Taking my helmet off, I turned my body that she still held on to and looked at the wonderment that brightened her face.
Laughing that after a few minutes she still hadn’t moved, I reached up and undid the strap on her helmet, and then hung it on the handlebar.
Wrapping my arm around her waist, I hauled her off the bike and sat her down on her feet.
And I knew that if I didn’t have a good hold on her body, then her feet wouldn’t have moved, but that wasn’t what was on my mind at that moment in time. No, it was that I noticed how her body fit next to mine. Fucking made to fit in the curve of mine.
Like two pieces of a soul connecting as one.
As we made it to the front porch, I knew the moment she saw it, the front porch swing that was painted to match the front door. During one of our talks, she told me that she always wanted a front porch swing so she could enjoy the gentle breeze and have something that she’s never had before.
A true home.
Pressing a kiss on her forehead, I led her up the dark gray steps that matched the front porch swing and the front door, as well as the six columns.
Just as I moved to unlock the front door, she stopped following me. Looking down at her, I saw tears in her eyes. “What is this?”
“Well, I couldn’t stand the thought of making love to you for the first time in the clubhouse because you deserve so much more. And I wanted to give you a home. One that no matter what, you know you have a safe place to land, no matter what the future holds.”
“You did all this? For me?”
“For you? Yeah, I did. Charlie helped me with the deed and shit. And when we get married, your last name will change on the deed. I don’t want you to ever doubt my feelings for you. I never gave all of me to Rebecca, but I want to give all of me to you.”
“Why? I’m a club girl. None of us entered this thinking we would become ole’ ladies.”
“Darlin’, I don’t give a fuck how you became a club girl. I’m just glad you became one with this club. Because had you not done that, I never would’ve met you, and let me tell you something, that would have broken me down until I’m dead and buried in the ground.”
“We’ve only known each other a short time, Pipe, this is crazy.”
“Caiden, darlin’, you call me Caiden. I stopped her from doing it when I got my road name. But I don’t care if you use it in our house, I don’t care if you use it where everyone can hear. I’m Pipe to everyone else but you.”
“Caiden, I love this.” She smiled up at me. Leaning down, I kissed away the trail of tears from her cheeks.
“Now, suck those tears back, be the confident badass woman I know you to be, and let's go explore our home.”
She nodded and when I went to turn the key, she grabbed my forearm and halted me. And for as long as I live, the words that fell upon my ears I will never forget. “Caiden, doesn't matter where we live. All I need at the end of the night is to fall asleep in your arms. Because four walls don’t make a home. A person does.”
And what happened next?
Well, that resulted in spinning around, bending, wrapping my hands underneath her delectable ass, hauling her up my body, slamming her into the front door, and crushing my lips to hers.
And the loud rumble of bikes didn’t break my concentration in devouring her mouth.
It was, however, the loud claps that broke us apart.
“Umm, has she even seen the house?” Sutton asked as she climbed off Pagan’s bike and I wanted to laugh at the growl I heard coming from Irish as he watched all of that unfold. Snooze you lose motherfucker.
I shook my head and simply said, “No. She just said something to me that in all my thirty-five years of life I've been wanting to hear.”
Shrugging when Gabriella giggled, I pressed a small kiss on her swollen lips, then I unlocked the door to our forever home.
Two hours later after all her stuff was settled in its place in our house, we were all in the backyard grilling out. If I hadn’t known that she was perfect for me, the reaction to Sutton packing her stuff would have told me that she was.
Did she complain?