Page 45 of Cold As Ice
She shrugged her shoulders as she said, “Capture the men the way y’all have.”
I guess we did in a way, but I couldn’t think of how we captured them, I didn’t know how Adeline did that, nor Sutton, nor myself for that matter.
“Why do you ask?” Adeline asked her.
“Because… I want Rome.” She said as she had this look on her face, one I had never seen before. I mean, I knew she was infatuated with him, but wanting to be his forever? I didn’t know that.
And like the silent man he was, we heard in the open doorway, “Sorry. But you will never have me.”
“But… why not Rome? We could be so good together.” Lizette said as she tossed her shoulders back and met him head on.
“Because, only one woman I have ever met that has had me wanting to give up this life and be anything she wants me to be, long as she’s at my side. And she’s not you.” With that he turned and moved from the doorway heading back to the main room.
And now we all wanted to know who that woman was. She was a lucky girl, whoever she was.
Irish stepped into the kitchen then and asked, “When will dinner be ready?”
I could see the retort on Sutton’s face along the lines of, whenever we get it ready, but Adeline answered for her, “In about half an hour.”
He nodded then looked at Sutton who wouldn’t return his gaze, then he growled and stomped out of the room.
I knew that it was tearing Sutton apart and I only wanted the best for her.
Irish just needed to pull his head out of his ass for that to happen.
But… I wanted to know what Asher and she had talked about in his office, only, before that could happen, I felt those all too familiar strong arms as they wrapped around my middle.
Whispering, I said, “Caiden.”
His lips trailed kisses along the column of my neck. “Never tire of hearing my name on your lips, honey.”
“Yo, Pipe, need your help in the shop. I can’t get this fucking bolt loose in this truck.” Pagan asked him and then with a kiss on the side of my neck, he walked out of the kitchen.
“I just came in my panties. Oh wait, I’m not wearing any.” Lizette giggled.
Shaking my head at her, I got back to work chopping up the veggies that we needed for tonight’s dinner.
Immediately, I felt a shiver run through me when he walked in through the kitchen. “Hey Gabby.”
He’s left me alone, ever since Pipe told me that he made it known that he was planning on claiming me as his. “Buster, how are you?”
“I’m good, look I need your help, thinking you were right, thinking you’ve been right for a long ass time now. I wanna get something on my kutte like Pipe has on his for you. Think you can help me get it on there? Already got it designed and got the patch.” And he meant my name on Pipe’s kutte.
I looked around for Pipe, and not seeing him, I turned to Stella and said, “Will you tell Pipe where I am?”
She nodded and said, “Got it.”
I didn’t like the look in Buster’s eyes. Not one freaking bit.
My dad had taught me a long time ago to trust my gut, that it would never let me down.
And even though Buster was a brother, I didn’t want to ignore this feeling that something bad was either about to happen or had happened.
And I wasn’t a fool.