Page 7 of Cold As Ice
And to my amazement, the woman that had my undivided attention stepped into the doorway to the room with a tray of beers. She kept her head down, and only when the tray was out of her hands, she grabbed the handle and closed the doors.
I wasn’t angry after retelling everything, no I was angry that I still didn’t know the color of her eyes.
Whit handed me a beer as he then passed the others out, and as soon as I had the top opened, I took a long drink, then swallowed.
“Okay, the floor is open,” Asher said as Charlie raised his hand and when Asher nodded, Charlie looked at me.
“Where is the video at?” Charlie asked.
“It's on a flash drive in his wall safe in his house. He never told me if they have more than one copy.”
Charlie nodded, then he opened his laptop and started typing.
While he did that Irish looked at me and said, “Admire trying to make it work. Never hit a woman, don’t intend to start. But no one, and I mean no one, would blame you for what you did.”
I nodded in thanks and took another pull from my beer.
That was when Charlie spoke, “I found the original video on his server, and it looks like he made one copy. Do you know how he got the video?”
I snarled then, “My fucking wife.”
Around the room, the men cursed and shook their heads. “Her excuse was that it turned her on, which is a bunch of shit.”
Charlie was typing away on his laptop, and then asked, “What’s your wife's number?” I rattled it off and then waited.
A few minutes passed as he frowned, hit one key, and then fucking smiled. “The video is gone from her phone. And the video is gone from the server. We need to plan and get the flash drive from his place.”
Everything in my body relaxed at hearing I had someone backing me. If they voted me back into the club, I would have all of them at my back again. Oh, what a feeling that was.
I watched as Asher took in the room and the men were gathered around the table as he asked, “Okay, we ready to vote?”
All the men nodded but it was Rome who spoke up, “Even if you didn’t have a reason to come back home you just wanted to, my vote still would have been yes. Appreciate you handling that shit you did while you were nomad.” I nodded at him.
I had tracked down the men and ended them. Ones that their father had allowed to gang-rape Rome’s sister, all to pay a debt of ten grand. Ten fucking grand.
“All in favor of Pipe returning to the club, raise your hand,” Asher called out, and damn if every man in the club raised their hands.
He nodded, then slammed the gavel. “Welcome back home, brother. Our paperwork is a mess, get on that immediately. Pipe is our Secretary.” I nodded gratefully and then took the chair beside Coal.
After I had my ass in my seat, Asher said, “Now we need to vote on the two prospects. The vote has to be unanimous. The first is for Alec. We all know he has put in his time, never once disrespected us, helps out with whatever is asked of him, and he does shit without being told to do so. All in favor of Alec?”
Every man’s hand in the room went up. I had gotten the intel from my brothers about the two prospects, and I knew all I needed to know about them. And I knew a little bit more about one of them that I didn’t like. Not one God damned bit.
Asher nodded, then slammed the gavel on the table.
“Now we need to vote for Tanner. He’s had his issues, same as some of us, but he’s been a good prospect. He’s always there when you need him. All in favor, raise your hands.”
Every man’s hand went up in the air but four of them, mine, Asher’s, Charlie’s, and Irish’s.
Asher nodded then said, “Now since the vote isn’t unanimous, we need to know why the four are saying no. Charlie, you go first.”
Charlie nodded, then spoke, “He needs to account for the weekly payments of five grand that have been hitting his account over the past two months, and he needs to explain why I can’t trace them.”
Asher nodded, “That’s my reason too. I think he’s working with the feds. He doesn’t know that Charlie can hack into everything. Pipe, your turn.”
“We don’t allow drugs in the club; sure, we allow pot and that’s it. Saw him making deals, handing over cash, and taking something from a guy. Gave the guy a beat down and found out it was crank. That happened three days ago. I called Asher about it, and he told me that because we were voting to save it for this meeting, so you could all be made aware of it.”
Asher nodded, then he looked at Irish, “I already got a feeling what you're going to say, and I am going to say you need to claim that girl as your ole’ lady and stop this shit with her, but let’s hear it.”