Page 15 of Rise
In fact, neither did he.
Therefore, the expression on his face when he dropped the cell, he had been clutching would have been comical if it wasn’t for the tears that came out of his eyes.
Red was a big man. Not as big as Tank, but he was pretty darn close. He was an inch shorter than Tank and only twenty pounds lighter.
That had been three days ago.
My dad had just gotten the call that they were on their way back and would be here in four hours.
I was outside with everyone else.
And when I saw the girl, I knew she had to be around my age, which I hoped was going to be really cool.
Let me tell you something, if I swung that way, I would be all over that. I knew her name was Lena. She had midnight black hair that hung halfway to her back, and these gorgeous emerald-green eyes that had to come from Red. I was jealous. She was that beautiful.
Seeing that she was looking nervous, I sent up a silent prayer that she wouldn’t be like Tank’s sister and made my way over to them.
Red saw me coming, smiled, and winked, “Darlin’ this is Raine. She’s the president’s daughter. Raine, this is my daughter, Lena.”
I smiled at Red then looked at Lena, and asked, wanting to ease the nerves that were written clearly across her face, “Hey, so tell me, how weird is this?”
“Well, it’s pretty darn weird. Can I ask you something?” She asked as she bit her bottom lip just like I did. If that wasn’t a sign, I didn’t know what was.
I shrugged my shoulders, “Sure.”
I had all sorts of answers for whatever she wanted to know. I figured it was something about the club.
But you could’ve knocked me over with a feather at what came out of her mouth.
“Please tell me where you got your tee. I’ve been stuck on their music and I’ve yet to be able to find one of their band tees?” she asked with a smile and nodded at the shirt I had on.
I laughed. I couldn’t help it. Of all the things she could have asked me, she chose that one.
I smiled wide, “You know, I have a feeling we are going to be best friends.”
“I have the same feeling. It’s a good one.” She returned my wide smile.
“To be honest, my best friend, Tank, got it for me. We went to one of their shows. Their music is even better live.”
She gasped at that, “Really? Darn it. I don’t suppose you’ll let me borrow it sometime?”
I shrugged, “Doesn’t matter to me. Looks like we are close to the same size. You can borrow anything of mine anytime except for a few pieces.”
“Same. I was nervous about this. But thanks for putting me at ease. Now, I ate a while ago, and I’m hungry again. Do y’all have any food here?”
I had a craving for walking tacos earlier, so that’s why I said, “Sure. I was going to make some walking tacos. You want some?”
“Seriously! Lead the way.” I smiled, looped my arm with hers, and then led us into the clubhouse.
All the while Red called out, “Show my daughter around Raine. I know they won’t fuck with her if she’s with you.”
I raised my hand and waved, signaling I had her.
It was while we were eating that I burped, not lady like I know, and she did the same, and we proceeded to rate each other’s burp without commenting about doing it.
The chuckles that burst forth turned into full-blown laughter.
And that was how she became my second-best friend in the whole world.