Page 20 of Rise
I nodded at her, “You're welcome. So, tell me what made you want to be a Nurse in the NICU?”
I’ve been meaning to ask her about that, every time I come home, but it always slips to the back of my mind. I had no idea that’s what she wanted to do with her life. We talked about our dreams, yes. She knew I wanted to be a career Navy. And I knew that she simply wanted to be happy.
I found out about it while I was gone last year, Storm told me she had sent out some college applications and that was what she wanted to be.
“Wait, how do you… never mind.” She shook her head.
Then she took in a breath and said, “When I was little, I was in the car with my mom. We were on the way home from school when one of the old club girls turned old lady who just so happened to be a friend of hers, called my mom and told her that she had just given birth but that there had been complications.”
With a raised eyebrow, unable to believe it, I asked, “Wait, your mom actually had friends?”
She laughed and nodded, “Weird, right? Anyway, the complications had been that the baby boy had been born fifteen weeks early and not breathing. I saw a nurse and a doctor fight God himself to keep that baby here and they won. Ever since then, I wanted to be like that Nurse and fight for little ones. Plus, the thought of watching life being born is a miracle in itself.”
“That’s pretty fucking cool, Gray.” She nodded and smiled.
Then softly she said, “But not just for that. I wanted to be the person to help the parents.”
“How so?”
“Well, after the baby boy was marked healthy, we went back, and we were there when they placed the baby in the woman’s arms. And her old man, he was as big as you, and she, well, as tiny as I am. And he told her something that has stuck with me to this day. He said, ‘The Trees May Blow, The Clouds May Move. The waters may flow, But My Love Will Never Waver. To the End of Time. And Beyond the Seasons, You’re My Soul, My Heart, My World.’
I nodded at her, “That’s pretty damn powerful.”
She smiled, then said, “I know. I want to help those parents too. Going through something like that, and not having someone there to help you? I just can’t imagine it.”
And with that said, she turned and started to stir the noodles and the sauce.
Once the pasta, bread, and sauce were done, she grabbed the salad from the fridge and the dressing. We made our plates and headed to the living room.
“You cool with eating here and watching a movie?” She asked. Normally whenever I ate with her, we always sat at the table in the dining room.
It was something her dad did with her.
“Shit yeah. What movie are we watching?” I asked as I caught a whiff of the food, I knew was going to be mouth-watering.
Uh oh, she had a look about her. Was I in trouble?
“You cannot laugh at me. I mean it!” she said as she placed her food on the coffee table.
“Okay, I promise.” I meant it too, even if I hated the movie.
However, she shocked the shit out of me when she put the movie into the DVD player and The Goonies on the screen. I then proceeded to laugh my ass off.
“That movie is classic; I love that movie.” I rushed out of my mouth because she had grabbed a fly swat and got ready to use it because I had laughed.
We chowed down and watched the movie. About halfway through the movie, she started yawning so I pulled her up against me and smiled when she laid her head on my shoulder.
Fucking perfection. If I could end every day just like this for the rest of my life, I could die a happy man.
When it was nearing the end, I noticed she had fallen asleep. Gently I eased her head off my shoulder and picked her up ever so gently. I carried her down the hall to her room and carefully laid her down on the bed.
Tagging her light purple duvet, I carefully covered her not wanting to wake her.
I knew that in the future if this was how she wanted to decorate our bedroom, I’d go to sleep every single fucking night with a smile on my face as long as she was in my arms.
Bending down, I kissed her forehead and whispered, “Gray, you don’t know this yet, but I aim to make you mine. On the day you turn eighteen. The very minute.”
But do you know the thing about the best-laid plans?