Page 33 of Rise
“Hey, Raine. Have a good birthday?” Payton asked as he sat beside me.
Payton was cute, in that lean, blonde hair surfer body kind of way. Seeing as all throughout high school whenever we got our seating assignments they were done with our last names, he and I were normally always at the exact same seating positions.
Not up for smiling like I normally do; I simply shrugged and dove back into what I was working on.
“Okay, I’ll take your silence and the lack of smile to mean that you didn’t have a good birthday.” He said and then started to mess with his phone.
It wasn’t. Not really. But thankfully I had the best family a girl could ask for.
Just then my phone vibrated in my hoodie pocket. Since we were done with class and just free to do whatever as long as we were in the classes, I pulled it out and then inhaled a breath.
Tank – I know you’re in class. Wanted to let you know I’m safe. I’ll make it up to you by missing your birthday. Promise you that, Gray.
Even though I was still upset that they had called him in, and he missed my birthday and would more than likely be missing my graduation, I knew I couldn’t be mad at him.
Not when he was doing something he loved doing.
Therefore, I texted him back. Intending to put a smile on his face.
Me – I’m glad you’re safe, and I want you to remain safe. So please be careful. Tell Fuego I said to watch your six. I know you will. Miss you. Love you like a fat kid loves cake.
Apparently, that was the only message I would receive. But not the only one I would send him.
It was the beginning of the end for us. In more ways than one.
Because I wasn’t stupid.
I knew that he got my texts.
I knew that he read my emails.
I knew he saw where I tried to call him. Skype shows missed calls.
I also knew that with every no-reply I got, it was the end.
And it was proven when my dad would comment on something with Tank and act like I already knew about it. Because I normally did.
But I didn’t
Chapter 8
It’s been six months since I left for this latest mission that had been one F.U.B.A.R. right after another one. The mission was supposed to only take three months, four at the latest, well you know how that goes. Especially in the military, hurry up, and fucking wait.
But more importantly, something happened on this mission that is still making me unable to eat or drink anything red.
I can’t unsee something I swore I would never do.
Hell, I hoped it never happened to me. But it fucking did.
Shaking my head, trying to get the thoughts out of my head, I closed my eyes and brought the one thing that makes my life any better. I think about her.
She always had a way to get me back in the here and now.
Thinking about her eyes. Her lips. Her body. The way she smiles. The enormous heart she has. And now, since she’s finally fucking legal, I don’t have to hold back anymore.
The ride home was long and sweet.