Page 7 of Rise
And as the dark-skinned man went to grab me, I brought my right arm up, and with all my might as my daddy had taught me, I sailed my fist into the man’s left cheek.
He grabbed it and then muttered, “You little bitch. Oh, man, am I going to have fun with you.”
Then the white man snickered, and then I watched as he grabbed his junk. I almost barfed in my mouth. Really?
Adrenaline was coursing through my veins, my body ready to fight. My daddy always told me to never let my size matter, and that even the smallest things can have the biggest impact.
My body was ready with anticipation of showing these two punks that I wouldn’t go quietly. That I would put up a fight until he could get to me.
And then as they both made a move to grab me, I heard the blessed sound of Harley pipes.
They both froze when they saw the big smile on my face, and I couldn’t help but quip, “See, I told you my daddy was on his way.”
And then as my daddy stopped so fast, he laid his bike down, his VP Red along with Clip the Sergeant at Arms followed suit.
And I sat there as I watched my daddy turn into a raging Storm. I watched him beat the crap out of them while Red and Clip guarded me.
And my daddy didn’t forget about the man in the car. Oh no, he sure as heck didn’t.
“Sorry, sweetheart,” my daddy said as he gathered me in his arms.
I squeezed my arms around his neck and then sighed, “I knew you would come for me.”
“Wanna tell me why the man already had a bruise on his face?” Red asked me as he looked down at the roll of pennies in my fist.
I shrugged, “He must have run into a fist.”
And that caused all three men to laugh.
I hadn’t seen Red make a phone call.
Therefore, when one of the vans the MC owned pulled into the school parking lot, and they started to load the punk butt men into the back, I called out, “One second, daddy.”
They all stopped what they were doing, a confused frown was on my daddy’s face, and then it morphed into a grin when he saw what I had done.
You see, I really didn’t take too kindly to the man that had grabbed his junk in front of me, so I used all the power I could muster and kicked the punk between his legs.
“What did he do sweetheart?” Red asked between chuckles.
A disgusted shiver wracked my body, “He grabbed his junk in front of me.
Needless to say, the man’s dick was crushed by the time the men followed suit.
Oh, and alcohol hitting split knuckles hurts like a mother.
And the punches my dad threw at the three men had nothing on the words he spewed at my mother who had come into the house with shopping bags.
Needless to say, she never forgot me again at school.
And that was only because after that incident, my daddy had given me a phone and programmed every member's number in it, including all the businesses the club owned. So, I could always get a hold of someone if I needed it.
Also, the teacher who had left me there, ended up not only being fired but also having child endangerment charges and a slew of other charges against her. She’s now the proud wearer of the color orange.
Because as it turned out, this wasn’t her first offense.
But today was today, I knew that I needed to be strong. That I couldn’t cry. Even if I wanted to.
I got up early to get ready. I wouldn’t cry today. I wouldn’t.